Indoor Autobeast grows sweetseeds xl autos ;)

Yo @autobeast , we want some pics and numbers dude :clapper:. Really interested in the yield comparison between the topped and non topped ones :pop:.

Have a fat ol' rep slap for that great harvest :slap::d5:.
thanks alot all growers for the comments. much appreciated. sorry late reply. sometimes life dont go to plan.yield was 5oz each off each plant. total yield 15 zips. seems this grow topped vs untopped yielded the same. so goes to show again training and topping dont effect yield of an auto 1 bit. these the only pics i manage to snap there a few and a video so here u go growers. 3 plants 15 oz. nice very nice;)
and the last 2 vids before harvest

well thanks to every grower for following my grow. more grows coming for 2018 lots more. happy growing every1;)