Indoor AutoBeanStalks Communal Test Thread..Git Ya Some Dragons !!!

Hey mangs... im throwing a few more seeds down, the firsts seem stuck
.two of each are now soaking in ro water for 24 hours.
Hey mangs... im throwing a few more seeds down, the firsts seem stuckView attachment 809237.two of each are now soaking in ro water for 24 hours.
them two strains sound good,budelee what are the first that seem stuck? hey nizmo what ones have you started?
okay cool, I just got my beans today dragon queen a/r & duurty magic a/f. I already put 2 & 4 into water. shouldn't be too long before I get started.. I have 2 more beans of Dragon Queen, I think one was crushed if 5 were sent, coz i got 4 and what looks to be pieces of the 5th. them are the a/f anyways, the duurty magic's I think there were 10 since them auto regs I started 4 of them. Both were put right into cups upon opening, so I can get this started...
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I've always used a paper towel and a baggy usually 99 percent

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This is basically the same as the small plastic bowl i use, the thai did crack and start tailing, so they are in coco cups already, they should be above in a day or so hopefully.. lets make this shi+ happen... who else is getting in?? This keeps getting better...
hahahaha, I have it backwards...2 duurty magic a/f & 4 dragon queen's a/r... sorry for confusion..
This is basically the same as the small plastic bowl i use, the thai did crack and start tailing, so they are in coco cups already, they should be above in a day or so hopefully.. lets make this shi+ happen... who else is getting in?? This keeps getting better...
It shouldn't be long before I have me a dragon tail ;)