Auto Warriors Do....Drew from Geo Pots..for the CannaZone.

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Even you cant deny that they have fire genetics and have some of the best customer service on the net of any type of company, just cause you don't grow em doesn't mean they aren't the one of the most amazing breeders out right there now, of course it is not to say that their aren't great breeders out there like @Magic and the like but as far as a company that sells large scale seeds they cannot be matched in my opinion. It is hard to find a company with that many strains and in the 6 months or so I have been researching their beans I have not come across a single instance of someone who has grown them and been disappointed in the end result, their may be a few out there but I sure haven't found em lol. You know I loves ya bro, and some day we are gonna get you on board the mephisto train, that and DWC lol [HASHTAG]#dwc4life[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#mephistotakeover[/HASHTAG]

I HAVE grown them. Probably before any of you. So yes. I can say that lol and that's why I don't grown them. They have a huge following and great customer service but I cannot say their catalog is the BEST.

So here's your first found grower who doesn't agree. And I'm not arguing I'm speaking up and agreeing to disagree.
Organics is the one way ticket to flavor country. Also, once you get your soil mixes down, cost wise you get a lot more bang for your buck with amendments and teas too. I agree 110%
When you use terpinator at full strength I cannot tell the difference from organic or synthetic nutrient base A/B with a organic supplement to bring out and enhance the natural flavors and a strong flush. IMO
I HAVE grown them. Probably before any of you. So yes. I can say that lol and that's why I don't grown them. They have a huge following and great customer service but I cannot say their catalog is the BEST.

That then leads me to ask what lineup do you think is the best all around in your opinion?
Is terpinator organic?
When you use terpinator at full strength I cannot tell the difference from organic or synthetic nutrient base A/B with a organic supplement to bring out and enhance the natural flavors and a strong flush. IMO
Terpinator definitely does bump up the smells and flavors hard. I am not 100% organic, but try to take care of my macros and micros with organics and add a couple of goodies on top. Do you run Massive from Green Planet? Gotta love that triacontanol!!!
@GeoPot_Drew :cooldance: There is mate, and we'll have to get with Admin. to iron out the details! We're now getting this coordinated according to solid, strict standards to make sure we "represent" both sides of the deal with our well known objectivity and gratitude! You'll see, as you cruise through the threads how we roll with new companies,...:thumbsup: Specifics can be discussed with Hobbes, and Arty,... no question, there will be keen interest in this shweeet offering you've put on the table for us AFN'ers! :d5:
Is terpinator organic?
Technically I can't call it that, but everything that goes into it would be approved as an organic input for organic crop production. REally round about way of saying it, but I gotta cover my ass haha
Technically I can't call it that, but everything that goes into it would be approved as an organic input for organic crop production. REally round about way of saying it, but I gotta cover my ass haha
Im good with the answer. I dont want to mess up the soil is why i asked. And im a new grower so i screw things up!
Technically I can't call it that, but everything that goes into it would be approved as an organic input for organic crop production. REally round about way of saying it, but I gotta cover my ass haha
Honesty I love it.
Even you cant deny that they have fire genetics and have some of the best customer service on the net of any type of company, just cause you don't grow em doesn't mean they aren't the one of the most amazing breeders out right there now, of course it is not to say that their aren't great breeders out there like @Magic and the like but as far as a company that sells large scale seeds they cannot be matched in my opinion. It is hard to find a company with that many strains and in the 6 months or so I have been researching their beans I have not come across a single instance of someone who has grown them and been disappointed in the end result, their may be a few out there but I sure haven't found em lol. You know I loves ya bro, and some day we are gonna get you on board the mephisto train, that and DWC lol [HASHTAG]#dwc4life[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#mephistotakeover[/HASHTAG]
Derek can attest to this too. There PHENOS are the most consistent out there usually two phenos no more for each strain one squat and one with a stretch no stress no premature seeds ever no rot ever. They put there heart and soul into there genetics simple as that MEPHISTO RULES
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