The grape crinkle is as FN said a genetic mutation that does not affect growth, I refer you to the famous Duckfoot that is a genetic anomaly that turned out great.
@pop22 says it is some of the best smoke ever. You grow a lot of pot and have grown a lot of pot, there is a sayin I live by. People lie, numbers do not. ( I am NOT saying you are lying, the focus of that statement is on the latter half about the numbers) If 100 respected growers who have also grown a lot of pot say its the some of the best genetics around I cannot, even with my own experience, deny that type of empirical data. Now if I grew it out 3 times that is when I would throw in the towel, that is just me though. But enough about who's the best, I relent
@Rebel you know your stuff and I just hope someday we will get to change your mind. Much love brother