Everything in Guard 'N Spray is an approved input for organic gardening and it works pretty damn good. It's all plant based, so it's sesame oil, cinnamon oil, rosemary oil, licorice extract, soap bark extract, citric acid, and polyglyceroleate (plant derived) as an emulsifier. It works a few ways. The oils bind with plant proteins in the insect's digestive system and basically give it what I like to call "murderous constipation" and lock them up. The cinnamon oil and liccorice dry our their exoskeletons as well and kill them that way. The product is also a suffacant, so it clothes the spiracles (breathing apparatus) of the insects. On powdery mildew, it basically dries out the reproductive section of the fungal bloom and helps stop it from spreading. Once you have PM, it's systemic, but this can help to control it at least.