Auto Warriors Do....Drew from Geo Pots..for the CannaZone.

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Nope I have never had a bug problem ever. But I live in Northern Ontario whole different world. I have no plants in my house or no rose bushes anywhere. I never go into my room with street clothes ever.

BRO!! I'm in Ontario also howdie neighbour!!
Wasn't it right around July 4th the new live stoners started? Shortly after page 2016... It's almost October and we're already at page 1601..... Wow did the pages get shorter or do we talk that much??
we are all gwetting more proficient at babble, oops, a more Socially Correct way to say it.....more proficient at self expression, this is good
Not be sorry man, it ain't just you talking to yourself... Is it?? This place is rocking. The interviews are going great too. Thanks again to @GeoPot_Drew for being a part of this
My pleasure! I'm really glad you guys reached out to us and I got to check our your forums! You all have some really cool stuff going on here with the autos. It's very refreshing to be mesmerized by something again that's totally different from what I know and am used to
[HASHTAG]#showyourbush[/HASHTAG] Pre bush Day 22 super cropped it
So far this has been a very productive interview. I can say this to all fellow afnrs that terpinator works simple as that
Everything in Guard 'N Spray is an approved input for organic gardening and it works pretty damn good. It's all plant based, so it's sesame oil, cinnamon oil, rosemary oil, licorice extract, soap bark extract, citric acid, and polyglyceroleate (plant derived) as an emulsifier. It works a few ways. The oils bind with plant proteins in the insect's digestive system and basically give it what I like to call "murderous constipation" and lock them up. The cinnamon oil and liccorice dry our their exoskeletons as well and kill them that way. The product is also a suffacant, so it clothes the spiracles (breathing apparatus) of the insects. On powdery mildew, it basically dries out the reproductive section of the fungal bloom and helps stop it from spreading. Once you have PM, it's systemic, but this can help to control it at least.
this stuff sounds real good
Killing it dude! Have you dried the plant in the top pic yet? If so, what was dry weight on that bad mamma?
Thanks Drew,that was a BOM winner from June..speaking of that,the voting closes today and you are a member so feel free to cast a vote...hey @derek420colorado you grew a plant over one lb,tell Drew about that one...
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