Auto Warriors Do...Discretepete..for Staff Interviews

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Congratulations pete! I guess you still have your pants on, didn't think that was allowed.
So Pete what strains in the near future do you plan to grow
Hello me chums,

thought the start was 6.00pm GMT ? Looks like you all started and are all having fun already, or does GMT mean something different to penguins. My PC says 5.48 ??????

Ah well, are we having fun ?
They roped me in early EP! I smelt penguin all over each one of them too! I know you sent them to entice me to come here earlier!
Thanks for your time @Discretepete2676
Relax and have a cuppa..
Congratulations pete! I guess you still have your pants on, didn't think that was allowed.

Hmmm... He hasn't been hazed yet has he? Guess I'll have to "wake up the goat" I know he's asleep but we'll just have to wake him up then! :crying:
That reminds me of last summer... A squirrel fused itself to the transformer on our power pole. :yoinks: Talk about technical difficulties!

Congrats on your promotion Pete!
Hey Reb he just got here and aready he get's a promotion . Sounds like a government job . :rofl:
Tell us Pete, what led you down the trail to cannabis cultivation?
Honestly I'm not going to lie, when I first started out it was mostly about money and smoking for free.... But I've learned a lot over the past year+ of growing and it means so much more to me than that. I literally have surrounded my whole life in this stuff...I quit my full time job to stay at home and garden and work part time at my local grow shop. I've never lost drive or enthusiasm for more than a bad day or two or something. But that's where this place comes in and it's taught me so much. So many good friends on here I couldn't have imagined all this when I first signed in. And the vibe he is contagious, so it caught on and has taken to my real life and I've changed alot over the past year and I hold you guys accountable for helping me do that. What was money and getting fucked up, turned into much much more, like me dropping drinking and taking pain killers for my scoliosis problems and using the meds to cope....
Hmmm... He hasn't been hazed yet has he? Guess I'll have to "wake up the goat" I know he's asleep but we'll just have to wake him up then! :crying:

Oh no, not the goat ride!
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