Auto Warriors Do...Discretepete..for Staff Interviews

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@Discretepete2676 what's your biggest plant to date? Was it obvious from the start that it was going to be big
Hey Pete,

I don't think I ever said Congrats to your promotion to the High Team. Well done pal. Did it feel good ?????
Yeah I think I got a little too excited and woke my son up from a nap when I received the acceptance DM. Really made me feel special and even more part of this beloved community.... Really going things go really well with this elite nutrients testing. They are going to be surrendering some resources in their R&D facilities to making an auto schedule. I hope our testing and theirs can help get something together and I can feel like I was able to give back to the whole community helping get them here. Everyone of you deserves it! Would be great for our community!!!
So far I'm liking the cheese strains and the fruity ones. And I know we arnt supposed to pic favorites.... But my mentors outside of here airways said you need to rotate strains that produce quality and strains that produce quantity every other harvest. So I've looked for those features among breeders and have a few go toos depending on what I'm looking for. Hybrid and indica are my favorite. I like pain relief for my back hips and knees
Yeah can't beat a bit cheese bro anyone who knows me knows I love cheese blue cheese especially but gosh @FastBuds wcog boom totally amazing strain
Hi Pete how's the new job at the hydro store I have to say bro I'd love that job.
Couldn't imagine it any other way now... Staff member at two of my favorite places, next over the grow shop and AFN is just being at home with the fam! Got a 8.5 month old son who's my world!
Yeah can't beat a bit cheese bro anyone who knows me knows I love cheese blue cheese especially but gosh @FastBuds wcog boom totally amazing strain
Those bud looked nice too Bailey!!! You did great on those!! Weighing to the party!!
@revel thanks for the congrats! I did get a slight hazing... But i could have taken more.... You guys were kind of weak ! Jk love you all!!!
I'm the pages behind on responses.... You guys are friggin good, I'm heading to some wifi here shortly to help lol has it planned to be there at original interview time haha

Dude!! I had a whole array and I'm buried... Lol can't keep up my phone keeps spazzing out lol

Fainting Goat.jpg
Goat any last words_ _ Best of funny memes.png
I'm the pages behind on responses.... You guys are friggin good, I'm heading to some wifi here shortly to help lol has it planned to be there at original interview time haha
We're way past that
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