Auto Warriors Do.....budelee Live...

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I do,I did,I might....nahhhh...the truth is,in the early days making a living at a grow type business was doable,with licensing and what not a realistic grow business startup would be in the 500-1mil range,to be legit,there was another three busts last week,its not hard to be compliant,but people think it will never be their name in the headlines...That being said,i would jump at the chance to work in the business or start one(a support business),the market is still growing and new support businesses are still emerging,id rather move to the panhandle of Florida and smoke myself silly on Panama City Beach..i just read FL has a med dispensary in Clearwater now,thats my old stomping ground

Just passed through there... PCB.... they are cbd only in FL now and will vote on medicinal this november. But to qualify under it ya gotta be dieing. And no growing allowed.

always hear this when I trim
What is your favorite strain to extract?
ooohhhh thats a tough one best returns were with some Chem dog Photo plants from last year,,I have not extracted any Mephistos but will have some soon,If they can match the return,ill be set...
Just passed through there... PCB.... they are cbd only in FL now and will vote on medicinal this november. But to qualify under it ya gotta be dieing. And no growing allowed.
ya thats kinda a shame about all the regs and paranoia,but its a move hopefully in the right direction...FREE WEED EVERYWHERE !!!!!....
@budelee after a night of heavy scooping what is your favorite dish washing detergent for those really gooey left over stuck on stains ?

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Get it as clean as you can with a blade,,,then have fun smoking and throw the pan out..a new one is easier.....ok alcohol cleans everything
@budelee ..@Rebel seems to have missed some info on your personel files...

Can I just check that you are not allergic to..cling film...vaseline..or goats..

And that you are not curently pregnant..?
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