New Grower Auto Ultimate x5


Colorado Legal Babeeee!!!
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
a Little Dab 'll Do Ya.ask Elvis !!
Im doing a little catch up since the AU are now about 20 days, Ill run thru the history to bring it current,then will post about once per week.

Media, Cocotek brick and alltitude brand coco mixed with pearlite,all was soaked, rinsed and precharged with cali magic and GH maxibloom at 50% strength.
Pots, 5 gallon(20 litre i think) nursery pots with plenty of extra holes drilled in bottom.
Lights, currently running one virtual sun 600 digital ballast at 200 watts with MH at 14-16" above plants,currenly on 24/7
Nutes, will be using the lucas formula with cali magic and maxi bloom(both GH brand),cyco brand silica,also using lemon juice for PH down and baking soda for PH up,
Other equipment,Hanna brand PPM meter,various digital temp/RH units, Dropper style PH test kit,
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT WATER SOURCE, I will be using tap water that is pretty constant 140-160 ppm,however we run a softener,i have recently switched from Sodium Chloride to Potassium Chloride pellets(not sure how this may hurt or help,but damn the price of the Potassium pellets)
Jus to get current,,seeds were germinated in paper towels,kept at 88 F, all popped on days 3-4-and 5,,were moved to final pots,and given ph 6 water for the first 5 days,,,,days 5-15 plants started showing slight yellowing and were given 400ppm lucas with 1ts to 4 gallons water and pots were saturated to runoff,(not all waterings have been to runoff as i didnt want to oversaturate the pots with the plants being so small)...days 15-20 watering as needed with a minimun of 2 cups per day to keep center/root growth moist,and water to runnoff about every 3rd day,,watering to runoff is always done over runoff pot and get plenty of oxygen to media/roots.
Since i only have experience with Photoperiods, i look forward to and help,advice, or tips everybody has and i will update and post once per week or as necessary if i run into trouble....Thanks for Stopping By...
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Howdy Bud...I'd say your on the right track and looking fine..Only I'd try to run my PH around mid 6's (6.4 is what I shoot for)..And I don't water every day.I believe in letting the mix to dry out some..I think it helps the roots grow better and search out for feed..Hope others AFNer's sound off on your questions and grow..

Hi guys, as promised an update to the journal,,i have increased the EC/PPM a bit to around 900, which is the sum of the water at 68ppm, 2 tsp silica brought to 98ppm,1 TBS cali magic brought to 275ppm and 1 TBS maxi bloom brought to 925ppm(the exact Lucas ratio would be alot higher,but im starting slow) .. In-between the leaf margins still looks a little light and i will continue to monitor that and some of the earlier leaves are getting ugly/necrotic?...The temps have been around 79 F and lights have been running at 24/7,, i was wrong in the original post that the VS ballast had a 200w setting, it is actually 350 watts...I am using two oscillating fans to move the air,no need for tent as i have the whole basement...HD grower,,Thank You for the advice I will try my best to follow it,I am in Coco and i only have the dropper kit/color chart to adjust PH,so ill try to get close and i will monitor the moisture/feedings, it will depend on temps outdoors.........
Due to a Major security risk i.e. the neighbors outdoor plants getting hijacked this weekend , I was forced to bring my photo-period plants inside to finish,,,,Which in turn had me move the auto ultimates to the greenhouse,,In the process the Dog did same major pruning of one plant,,I will post progress of this(if it recovers)so that all may benefit from it(if there is any benefit)....Now the plants have been in the greenhouse for one full day and the temp tracking unit says the 24 hour high was 95F and the 24 hour low was 50F, the weather is starting to be mid-low 50s at night and will continue to drop. I need about another month for the photos to finish a 12/12 schedule,but in the meantime the autos went from 24 hours light to about 14 hours,when they get brought back in the house they will need to go to at least 18 hour schedule(this is just effed up),,anybody have any thoughts on the light schedule change(i mean i know they are autos, but damn they'd have to renamed to superman strain if they produce,lol)..... I am including pics to show the progress,,,The autos were starting to look better and really take off,i jus hope they survive P9120001.JPG P9120004.JPG P9120002.JPG P9120003.JPG P9120005.JPG....Pic 1&2 the the dog pruned plant...pic 3 is a healthy'ish plant....pic 4 shows the greenhouse setup(the blue bucket is an LA confidential that the dog ate down,damn is the photos from left to right,purple urkle,la con,la con,golden goat,snow cap
Howdy Bud..The advice is remember I'm fairly new at growing.So it was just my thoughts..sorry to here that your puppy like to harvest in the early stages..And the gals from your outside(green house) look awesome..

Hi HD ,I absolutely welcome the advice,as a community,we need to help and look out for each other...what's funny is at the beginning of the season the dog "pruned" the biggest la con,it was the smallest for a while but then it exploded,maybe she thought she was helping hope it's early enough that it recovers and " explodes" too ,maybe ill give it some mad farmer Be One since I have it in the shelf,it's supposed to help with stress,,anyway,,I am new to autos as well,if I didn't say it already,it's a pleasure to meet you...bud
Okay what a difference a(almost)week makes.. The Ultimates have been in the greenhouse for 6 days now,,although i think it was a shock to them , they have adjusted and the sunlight has them growing like,well,weeds,they have about doubled in size and the color is looking good(forgive the pics,tried a couple settings)....SO ,since the biggest concern i mentioned i would be having is heat,heres how the 6 days has played out.... Saturdays info was not recorded as the process of moving plants took precedence
Sunday 13 Sept..upped feeding to 1200 ppm which is from silica shield, cali magic, and maxi bloom...Temps for 24 hours are H-115F L 50F.. RH H-50% L-16%
Monday 14 sept.. Same ppm...Temps High-117F Low-55F..... RH H 30% Low 16%
Tues 15 Sept..PPM= 1350,Increased as plants were adjusting to sunlight and environment..Temps H-108F L 59F RH H 52% L 16%
Wed 16 Sept..Same 1350 PPM Temps H-109F Low 52F RH High 80% Low 16%
Thurs 17 Sept..PPM= 1400.....Temps H-104F 52F RH H60% Low 16%...
I have not included pics of the dog-pruned plant as she is not fully out of shock,she is however growing new branches but will prolly be stunted(pics to come soon)001.JPG 002.JPG 003.JPG
Oh forgot to mention,, the plants are 30 29 and 28 days old now..still looking at possibly 30 days till the inside plants finish...Hope the weather holds out !!!
Yaaaaaa,all the plants are are just over 30 days now,4 out of the 5 are starting to show pistils,the dog pruned plant is not showing but rightfully so !! The DP plant is way behind at this point,not sure she will catch up in size,but still hopeful that she will produce something,,,the weather is starting to swing to the cold side and temps outdoors are getting into the 40sF during the night....anyway,,,as promised,the pics, 1 is the dog pruned "dwarf",2&3 are the preflowers,Thanks for checking up on me Brothers and Sisters !!P9180008.JPG P9180007.JPG P9180006.JPG