Dutch Passion auto ultimate with seymour


still flushing and can be taken at anytime but im not in any rush

these pics were taken last week and I didn't get a chance to update as the site was down, ive trimmed off the majority of her popcorn so whats left on the plant now is pretty much the primo

this will probably be my last auto grow as Im moving over to 12/12 strains and ive got some lovely sour kush (dna) and night queen (dp) vegging, old skool vs new skool haha

ill get some fresh pics up in a day or 2








Looks fine seymore as always! Please say you are not leaving afn your the king we all adore your growing how shall we find you?
lol, im not going anywhere just moving from autos to regs, I reckon I can get the same results doing 12/12 from seed using reg strains and dwc as I do growing autos and in the same amount of time

ive about exhausted dutch passions autos so it only fair I see what I can do with their reg strains lol

some fresh pics, this lady is peaking hard and her aroma has intensified










Another nice grow mr buds.

im just wondering if u will continue doing journals of ur 12/12 strains. and where youll be posting them up.

Like yourself i stopped with autos afew months ago. Tryd quite afew and found although they workd. they lacked something for me personally.

anyhow im currently 6weeks deep on a sativa dominat strain. cant say what it is as i honestly dont know. And about 2weeks from taking soma seeds amnesia haze cuttings. cant wait:)

would really like to see what you get up too regarding your12/12s.
Your journals have helpd alot and im sure you got afew nuggets of genius i could steal:)

anyway peace and bigups chap. 1
great looking home grown stash Seymour, nice long (and thick) blooms as well so it should be a pleasing haul.
Looks fine seymore as always! Please say you are not leaving afn your the king we all adore your growing how shall we find you?
Hope you do a thread on the photo's man ... been thinking about it for a while now :grin: would be cool to see what you can do bud .Love the sound of some Kush in the tent too :smokebuds:
chop day today...... gonna blaze a nice amnesia lemon with exo cheese 1st though haha

ill get a new diary set up with night queen and the sour kush later and ill try and squeeze some harvest pics in :smokebuds:

time to get sticky ooo weeee :smoke: