Indoor auto topping variety test bean grow

I love this color, very nice, you did a good job
thanks alot and welcome. so been a while. but il continue this journel here;)
so growers here
my current auto garden. middle back plant is kannabia seeds baby boom auto. was topped young. and last week slighty pulled apart to allow all buds to see light. see is a bigger than she looks in the pic a joy to grow so far. and 2 younger plants upfront, seedstockers og candy dawg kush autos. the left plant been topped. and the right plant was lstd. all fun and games. here a pic
happy growing every1 ;)
good day growers hope all is well. pics taken yesterday . day 35 of life. 5 weeks old today for my big auto girls. as u can see topping and lst, ing has proved wonderfull for dinafem blue cheese autos.big beautiful girls.everything going perfect so far, bang on track budding strong and frosting up, cnt be bad. vertical growth has stopped and they sot at managable 3 ft tall. nice. andbuds are some pics;)gota love autos;)
happy growing every1;) :pass::pass::salute:
good day growers, so my younger 3 auto sisters are doing very well. far left upfront fastbuds gorilla glue. wss topped 5 days ago. aint botherd her 1 bit. she is perfect for lst. 19 days old today. . but i dont have room to spread her out so she will be left alone to grow wild;) middle front plant, fastbuds girl scout cookie has looked freaky since she popped her first leafs out. and has a wierd look and growth about her. but she is growing. also 19 days old today. not topped havnt touched this plant in anyway. and far right front plant is seedstockers og candy dawg kush. 16 days old today was topped 2 days ago. and the bigger back girls are budding strong;) cnt be bad
happy growing every1 ;) :pass::pass::salute:
Good to see ya back pal, what happened with the migro stuff you had going on?
sensi thanks bro, i still have migro 100.and glad u asked. when i moved wasnt room for a seperate tent for built a mylar grow cupboard. but migro was frazzling plants cause no height. and when dimmed were stretched. so a epic fail. so scrapped that.i move house next week for the final time in a long while i will have room to run mirgo 100 in a nice small tent. 1 plant training session sounds good. so migro cob 100 will be alight and kicking very soon, watch this space. happy growing every1 ;)
good day growers. here a out the tent shot. very rare i know lol. i dont like to unsetttle my ladies. but all had a full inspection amd health check today. and this blue cheese auto caught my eye. look at the roots on this girl. she wants to live forever;`)
happy growing every1 ;)