Indoor auto temp in flower to non autos

St. Tom

chillin like a villain
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Oct 6, 2016
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Whatever s in my jars
i have read a lot of articles on here and elsewhere saying temps for veg are 70f to 85f and for flower 65f to 80f in flower on normal strains but i was reading something on autos saying keep it between 80f and 85f from start to finish is this right so i could keep it slightly higher as i am normally at that level with my hps on anyones input would be great
Autos don't really have a veg and a flowering stage, they kind of do both together. I could call the first two weeks veg I suppose, but usually that is just called a seedling,but after that they start flowering. Now, while they are flowering they are still growing very vigorously and some refer to that as veg when comparing to photos. And finally they go into a proper flowering period where they quit getting noticeably taller and almost quit drinking water, so it gets kind of hard to stay on the same page with another grower because we may all be talking about the same thing or different things.
But getting back to temp, the original thinking was autos can withstand lower temps because the ruderalis which is a natural auto photos are crossed with is native to higher altitudes where cold temps are normal. But withstanding is not the same as thriving. To further complicate matters, higher indoor temps were associated with the heat from hid lamps. When growers switched to led they discovered that the plants under led were not getting heat stressed even when the temps rose. This applies to photos but also autos. So under hid 75 was about ideal, but under led 80 is also good. Then they noticed at 80 under led the soil was drying out much quicker and allowed nute farmers to dump more chemicals on their plants which started producing some monsters. Personally, I don't think an auto cares that much. They seem happy no matter what. The early advice was to lower temps in the last days, but that brings us back to withstanding and thriving. I can keep my room at 80 avg all year long. 85 is hot enough and 90 is too hot for me. In winter I could get it back town to 75 if I wanted, but my plants seem to do best right in that 80 to 85 range with no noticeable difference if it gets above or below that for a day or so. Wow, look at all that I wrote, now that's some good talkative pot. Main thing to grasp is unlike the myths published on the internet, autos are very very hardy plants. I would not hesitate to grow in any temperature available. Now I'm too stoned to read what I wrote. Oh well, I don't see too many red lines so I guess you'll get the idea.
Autos don't really have a veg and a flowering stage, they kind of do both together. I could call the first two weeks veg I suppose, but usually that is just called a seedling,but after that they start flowering. Now, while they are flowering they are still growing very vigorously and some refer to that as veg when comparing to photos. And finally they go into a proper flowering period where they quit getting noticeably taller and almost quit drinking water, so it gets kind of hard to stay on the same page with another grower because we may all be talking about the same thing or different things.
But getting back to temp, the original thinking was autos can withstand lower temps because the ruderalis which is a natural auto photos are crossed with is native to higher altitudes where cold temps are normal. But withstanding is not the same as thriving. To further complicate matters, higher indoor temps were associated with the heat from hid lamps. When growers switched to led they discovered that the plants under led were not getting heat stressed even when the temps rose. This applies to photos but also autos. So under hid 75 was about ideal, but under led 80 is also good. Then they noticed at 80 under led the soil was drying out much quicker and allowed nute farmers to dump more chemicals on their plants which started producing some monsters. Personally, I don't think an auto cares that much. They seem happy no matter what. The early advice was to lower temps in the last days, but that brings us back to withstanding and thriving. I can keep my room at 80 avg all year long. 85 is hot enough and 90 is too hot for me. In winter I could get it back town to 75 if I wanted, but my plants seem to do best right in that 80 to 85 range with no noticeable difference if it gets above or below that for a day or so. Wow, look at all that I wrote, now that's some good talkative pot. Main thing to grasp is unlike the myths published on the internet, autos are very very hardy plants. I would not hesitate to grow in any temperature available. Now I'm too stoned to read what I wrote. Oh well, I don't see too many red lines so I guess you'll get the idea.
thanks pal you explained it well enough i am seven weeks in on 3 sweet seed mix and 2 others 10 days behind . i am normally steady between 80 f and 85 but i have a dimmable ballast so on occasions i was dimming down to 400w from 600w thinking being in flower 85f was to high so it means i can worry less and stick with my 600w hps
thanks pal you explained it well enough i am seven weeks in on 3 sweet seed mix and 2 others 10 days behind . i am normally steady between 80 f and 85 but i have a dimmable ballast so on occasions i was dimming down to 400w from 600w thinking being in flower 85f was to high so it means i can worry less and stick with my 600w hps
I wouldn't dim down, light is everything to an auto, but with hps watch for heat stress above 80 and if necessary move the light a little higher. It is the heat from the light not the ambient temp you need to monitor. I'm so glad you are fahrenheit, that little thing with the c drives me nuts.
I have got 3 small fans to help circulation 2 over top of canopy I can keep it at a max of 84 f but they seem to love it no heat stress plus with this being my 1st grow it's all new but I get some great info from all you lot on here great community and thanks
My autoflower temps right now run 75-85. 85 being the high that I try to avoid. I don't like 85 as a "consistent" autoflower temp. 76-80 is always my target temp. I don't try to fight my environment too much. I have low humidity most of the time and I gave up screwing with that aspect of the grow. I just view it now as "it is what it is" and move on.

Typically in the early growth you want more humidity, then lower humidity for flowering. The first week of seedlings (sometimes two) I don't use any of my 6" clip on fans. Just the Inline fan on a low setting and spraying water several times per day. Canna Rhiz too. I utilize led lights and they run 24/7 from the germed seed to harvest.
My issue is as a bought a full tent kit I only have 4 inch exhaust 2speed and a less powerful 4 inch to bring fresh air in my tent is size I maxed out all my funds till at least till after Xmas but I can stay at 85 f as a max with no issues on quality if this is correct plus I already have a 5 inch rvk in pipeline for the next few weeks