overall point is i see from the pic a plant that is in a more alkaline soil that has been too wattered
not alot of overwattering but enough when you add the excessive temps could easily throw off ph by alittle
i would not rec giving any ammendments except proper ph water and only once finger inserted into medium shows very little moisture until you grasp the soil to oxygen and heat ratio to properly assume ph levels are stable
excess MEDIUM heat will throw nitrogen out of balance first usually and then soon to follow look like cal/mag issue????
too much nitrogen cal/mag iron even will only exaserbate the situation further if the medium temp is really in question
people often overlook this as a mian contributor if they have a larger area to work than one w/ a microp climate because a larger '
grow area often gives more shade and this is an issue not really coincidered
i often say i see alot of people spending alot on ph meters thinking this is the only key but really it is just a part of it in reality it has alot to do w/ the medium temps also and one thing overlooked is the amount of moisture in the container well this will change alot of things depending on the amount of heat and medium humidity
point is buy a 10$ moisture light ph meter even if it is just for moisture levels
it is rediculous to say mediumd need to be a certain ph ereading w/o explaining that even the slightest overwattering w/ change the available CAL/MAG NITROGEN AND IRON due to the less amunt of oxygen available for the displacement and proper balance of ion excnange
to have a meter for ph but to say pick up a bucket and measure weight by hand to see if it needs more water is obsurde
if you accurately measure one than the other should be measured as close to accurate as possible or an imbalance will at the least slightly occurr
not alot of overwattering but enough when you add the excessive temps could easily throw off ph by alittle
i would not rec giving any ammendments except proper ph water and only once finger inserted into medium shows very little moisture until you grasp the soil to oxygen and heat ratio to properly assume ph levels are stable
excess MEDIUM heat will throw nitrogen out of balance first usually and then soon to follow look like cal/mag issue????
too much nitrogen cal/mag iron even will only exaserbate the situation further if the medium temp is really in question
people often overlook this as a mian contributor if they have a larger area to work than one w/ a microp climate because a larger '
grow area often gives more shade and this is an issue not really coincidered
i often say i see alot of people spending alot on ph meters thinking this is the only key but really it is just a part of it in reality it has alot to do w/ the medium temps also and one thing overlooked is the amount of moisture in the container well this will change alot of things depending on the amount of heat and medium humidity
point is buy a 10$ moisture light ph meter even if it is just for moisture levels
it is rediculous to say mediumd need to be a certain ph ereading w/o explaining that even the slightest overwattering w/ change the available CAL/MAG NITROGEN AND IRON due to the less amunt of oxygen available for the displacement and proper balance of ion excnange
to have a meter for ph but to say pick up a bucket and measure weight by hand to see if it needs more water is obsurde
if you accurately measure one than the other should be measured as close to accurate as possible or an imbalance will at the least slightly occurr
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