New Grower Auto Seeds - Berry Ryder Grow/Strain Review


Im Joe Grizzly Bitch!!!!!
Sep 20, 2015
Reaction score
I just germed a Berry Ryder seed yesterday was day 1 so today im posting the first pics of it.....It hasnt show itself quite yet but when i sprayed it w my ph'd rainwater to 5.5 or 5.6 roughly i noticed as i was spraying that a little soil brushed away from the spraying and i could see the root coming up so i covered it by sprinkling a little dry soil over it to keep it from being exposed tk the light directly.......This will be my most controlled and to the book and documented grow ive done yet as ive done ine ither just to dial in my equipment......and i think i have it well enough to produce the type of product i want to this is my prize grow and my most anticipated one w tightest schedule so ginna stick w this one as close as possible while working 4 10s mon thru thur and having fri sat n sun off........temps stay between 70 and 85 i have a 4 inch fan and carbon filter setup in a 36 x 36 x 63 tent and an Advanced Platinum P300 LED Panel.......Its currently flowering another auto fir the next 2 weeks till its done......that was my very first plant under an led panel.....of which i had major timer issues....anyhow.......please post your expieriences w this strain and vegging under a 2ft 2 bulb T5HO and a few 26watt cfls 6500 2700 one each and also a daylight spectrum cfl style led bulb.......the bulbs in the T5HO are 24 watts till my Advanced Platinum is done flowering my first ever auto ill transfer this berry ryder under it for its last week or two of veg then hopefully around the 4th week its showing sex and ill flip the flowering switch and take this bad mama jama to the next level and have some beautiful fine finished herbals........
Please feel free to follow this grow and i look forward to any input and welcome constructive criticism......thanks everyone.....stay green
Never grown this strain or breeder but interested to see how it goes!! What tent do you use? I'm thinking of moving from my closet to a tent so I'm interested in what you have.
I got it off of Amazon honestly. Its a 600D Tent....not sure of brand but its a 32 x 32 x 63........its held up really well.......i had to trim it up around the doorway bc the zipper kept gettin caught up but it was an ez fix and it didnt affect any light escaping or anything......Fox farms oceans forrest soil w iguana juice grow and bloom nutes and using rainwater w 13ppm and calmag and hydroguard and i have my eater in a bucket running air stone w pump to aeriate'd to between 5.5 and 5.6
So like i said this grow will be my most controlled one yet........i got seeds from THge Single Seed Center........ill prob post stock pic of the strain from their site just to show it.......its freaking im stoked to say the done around christmas for sure........
Well its official now.... Just checked in on my tent temps and humidity before laying down for bed and happened to look down at my Berry Ryder and it has officially poked her head out......i covered her earlier bc i had sprayed w spray bottle and noticed the root stem exposed when dirt was sprayed away some from wetting soil down so i sprinkled loose dirt over her and she has since pushed her way thru it and shown her pretty young self at only 24 hours old she stoked bc this is the quickest germ ive recieved placing seed directly into soil.....usually use rockwool.....and put whole cube in soil......decided to try direct approach this time and i think itll make some i wont know for sure bc this is also a diff strain that other grow as well........anyhow......goodnight all......heres some pics of her......
I will update again every night as long as I can remember as I work quite a bit but im particularly excited ab this grow so im gonna try to document it very well for decent reaults and tweaking bc i bought 10 of these seeds........

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Heres this morning.......ab 18 hours from when i initially posted pics of noticing that the root was exposed to the light and about to sprout and sprinkled a little loose soil over her for protection from the light until some tiny green leaves opened up and it lookd like a plant that was 2 days or so atleast it finally isnt just a taproot any longer and sprouted into a tiny seedling when i opened my tent up just now for pics......
Im excited ab this one bc shes gonna get special attention now that i have things kinda dialed in like i was wanting w my first grow which also has a is an SODK from mephisto which is flowering beautiful at the moment.........gotta love quality genetics.......
Thanks mephisto.....hahah

Anyhow........ This Berry Ryder is what im actually counting as my first grow bc the one before this was technically the first thing id ever stuck under an led panel indoors but i ordered my stuff from amazon and just threw it together as it came in so there were times when id need sumthin and not have it......go order it right then and have to wait a few days before id have it.......

W this Berry Ryder i have everything here now and can yse what i want when i need it and actually have my lights dialed in at heighths and positioning and my fan and filter setup ......all my nutes which ill be telling you ab now.......
I ordered Iguana Juice Grow and Iguana Juice Bloom for my first few grows along w cal mag as i come to understand that led growing requires cal mag usually and H2O2 for my PHd rainwater of 13ppm and 5.5 to 5.7 ph........and some hydroguard for roots.....i still have yet to order any great white......which i will be doing when i order my second Advanced Platinum P300 LED Panel for flowering this plant when it comes time........i orginally planned to dwc this but as ive yet to find a sufficient way to keep my res cool and at optimum growth for roots around 65 or 68 degrees F i decided to go ahead w soil.....which is Fox Farms Oceans Forrest and irganic pearlite mixed to ab 50/50 bc i wanted a light mix for good oxygen to roots of this plant as i dont have any airpots yet either........but everything else i have im content w until i either get my dwc water chiller or one of those thermoelectric probe chillers for like 10 gallon tanks i believe.......theyre on amazon for like 125 or 150 bucks.......just not sure which i wanna go with yet......the probe is a few hundred bucks cheaper but also if i wanna grow 3 or 4 plants at a time id have just as much in probes as a nice good water chiller is ab 350 in time ill figure out that shitstorm........anyhow heres a pic of nutes and rainwater being air infused
Oh yea
Some of my seeds as well ive ordered quite a decent collection for a total noob to this indoor led auto stuff........thanks for stoppin in everyone and please check back often.........stay green fellas.......

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Here is a pic of my light when I recieved it and also a few pics on this strain and what its end product looks like.........
Hope everyone enjoys this


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hey mate, I haven't grown berry ryder but ive grown candy kush from auto seeds 6 times now, auto seeds are good strong genetics highly recommend them!
how do you use the h202 and hydroguard, is there not the danger of the h202 killing any beneficial bacterias or microbes, Im no expert just wondering your thoughts on this?
good luck with the grow buddy, ill be following along
Berry ryder was the first plant I grew,it didn't look quite like the pic but it had a little purple to it and it had a real strong berry taste!
Yea i just got all those things for my dwc setup that ive not started yet
I intended to grow all this stuff in a 5gal dwc bucket setup and just havent started that project yet bc i dont wanna be plagued w res temps till i figure out how im gonna keep the water temps 65 roundabout.....
So im gonna order some great white for my soil grows to use

I havent used anything besides some grow juice from iguana juice nute line for it so far and it was very very diluted as its only a seedling ofcourse......2 days old
I put barely any on just for a tiny advantage........