Auto Pounder
Day 38
2019:01:01 Plant evaluated fed with maxibloom 2 tsp per gallon with 10ml calmag by bonicare.
2018:12:30 Plant evaluated fed with maxibloom 2 tsp per gallon with 10ml calmag by bonicare.
2018:12:28 Plant evaluates daily and fed daily with maxibloom 2 tsp per gallon with 10ml calmag by bonicare. On dec 25 and dec 27, plant was given additional 1 tsp mykos wp and azos per 1 gal h2o
2018:12:24 Photo Uploaded
2018:12:24 Evaluated plant. Plant watered with 2 tsp maxi gro and 10ml bonicare cal mag per 1 gal h2o. No other care needed
Candy Kush
Day 2
2019:01:01 Plant evaluated, no care needed
2018:12:30 Seed Sprouted
2018:12:28 On dec 27, plant was given additional 1 tsp mykos wp and azos per 1 gal h2o
2018:12:26 A 3 gallon air pot was filled with roots organic soil. Xtreme gardening mykos was added to the surface and worked in. Mykos wp and mykos azos was dusted in to the hole and the rapid rooter was placed in to the hole that the rapid rooter was inserted in to. The seed was then placed in to the rapid rooter and the rapid rooter hole was covered. The whole top of the pot and soil was misted to FIELD saturation
Sucker Punch
Day 9
2019:01:01 Photo Uploaded
2019:01:01 Plant evaluated, no care needed
2018:12:24 Photo Uploaded
2018:12:24 Plant evaluated. No care needed
2018:12:23 Seed Sprouted
2018:12:20 Evaluated seed still in rapid rooter. Visually above to verify that the seed has begun to germinate and the hull of the seed has begun to crack. Will not disturb unless 1 week mark hits and still not above ground
2018:12:19 Evaluated seed still in rapid rooter. Will not disturb unless 1 week mark hits and still not above ground
2018:12:18 Photo Uploaded
2018:12:18 A 3 gallon air pot was filled with roots organic soil. Xtreme gardening mykos was added to the surface and worked in. Mykos wp and mykos azos was dusted in to the hole and the rapid rooter was placed in to the hole that the rapid rooter was inserted in to. The seed was then placed in to the rapid rooter and the rapid rooter hole was covered. The whole top of the pot and soil was misted to FIELD saturation