Auto Lemon Zkittle, day 50, leafs clawing and with burnt tips

Oct 10, 2016
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Hey guys, this is my first grow using Autopots and was going well up until a few days ago. The infirmary has been a great help to me in the past, (shout out to the OG @Waira ) was hoping not to be here this time around, but here I am, again! Hope you are all good and your gardens are well :bighug:

-Problem: Leafs are clawing down with burnt (almost black) tips. Yellowing/rust spot on leafs also

-Medium/grow method: Growing in a XL autopot using Plagron light mix with 20% Perlite and clay pebbles

-Feed and supplements used: I have been following tangs easy auto schedule. I have been filling the reservoir with 6L every two days using the following amounts:-
Sensi Bloom A 9ml
Sensi Bloom B 9m
Carboload 6ml
Shogun Calmag 6ml
Plant magic pure clean 6ml

-Water source: Using tap water. pH of water before feed is added 7.0. pH of reservoir 6.9.

-Strain and age Dutch Passion Auto Lemon Zkittles. Approx on day 50.

-Climate: Temp has been between 20-30oC, RH between 55%-70%. (Dehumidifier is on order)

- Light used: Using a Telos-0008, distance from plant 60cm.

-Additional info: Plant has only been effected by the burnt tips and severe clawing the last few days. So symptoms have appeared quite quick.

Hey guys, this is my first grow using Autopots and was going well up until a few days ago. The infirmary has been a great help to me in the past, (shout out to the OG @Waira ) was hoping not to be here this time around, but here I am, again! Hope you are all good and your gardens are well :bighug:

-Problem: Leafs are clawing down with burnt (almost black) tips. Yellowing/rust spot on leafs also

-Medium/grow method: Growing in a XL autopot using Plagron light mix with 20% Perlite and clay pebbles

-Feed and supplements used: I have been following tangs easy auto schedule. I have been filling the reservoir with 6L every two days using the following amounts:-
Sensi Bloom A 9ml
Sensi Bloom B 9m
Carboload 6ml
Shogun Calmag 6ml
Plant magic pure clean 6ml

-Water source: Using tap water. pH of water before feed is added 7.0. pH of reservoir 6.9.

-Strain and age Dutch Passion Auto Lemon Zkittles. Approx on day 50.

-Climate: Temp has been between 20-30oC, RH between 55%-70%. (Dehumidifier is on order)

- Light used: Using a Telos-0008, distance from plant 60cm.

-Additional info: Plant has only been effected by the burnt tips and severe clawing the last few days. So symptoms have appeared quite quick.

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Check ur run off ppm that's alot of nutes wats ppm/ec going in if it's higher coming out it isn't eating all ur giving it there for causing a build up and ur burnt tips I would say also remove some nitrogen from feed I would use half the amount of nitrogen for as long as it takes to see them lighten up a bit it also looks as if it's getting a mag deficiency it's definitely a mobile nutrient bc of how quickly it is occurring @Waira wats ur thoughts as you are the master of this and I'm trying to learn as much as you so I can help out others in this wonderful community aswell as myself.
Hey, thanks for the response bro.

How would I go about checking run off using autopots? To be honest I’ve never fully understood ppm/ec I’ve got the metres so I can check and put them up here when asked, but lack a understanding of their true relevance to the plant and how it grows. Has anyone got a good link where it’s explained for dummies like moi?

Have a attached a pic of ppm going in.
Hi guys,

Things are not looking good with this girl, the deficiency is spreading all over the plant now. Have removed Sensi Bloom Part A from feed (3-0-0) to reduce the nitrogen, but seeing no effects yet.

Any help much appreciated.
Try some more cal mag or clean your reservoir
I grew plants at 1300 ppm and they werent that brown i would say cal mag or nitrogen def.
Looks like a potassium problem. I’m no expert. I had problems with phosphorus where my leaves have rust spots then progressed through the leaves to where it looked all crusty and fried. The last photo should help you figure out what deficiencies you have. It helped me!


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:toke: Mango's, sorry I missed the tag :doh:

Foooooock,... this is mostly all up top, right? The res, pH is too high for sure, should be low 6's, so for certain you have a micronute lockout happening, maybe P too,...
Also, the nute amounts going in, to what volume of res'? Here is where you need a TDS/EC meter, to test the actual strength of those nutes,.. tip burn is very likely nute burn, and that too could be playing into the lockout along with pH....
Get the res pH down, and reduce the feeds (pending your volume info), and we really need to know the ppm's in there!
never just cut out an entire part of a system mate, it has more in it than just N, other nutes are in there and needed....
We need to know the water only ppm, water plus Ca-Mg (likely can be skipped) since too much Ca/Mg will screw with uptake of other cations, including most of the micronute metals....
Hey, yeah the plant is mainly effected up top. So the volume of nutes added per 1 Litre are:-

Sensi Bloom A&B @ 1.5ml
Shogun Calmag @ 1.5ml
Carboload @ 1.0ml
Plant Magic pure clean @ 1.0ml

I have TDS/EC meter and have attached pics of the readings of the last feed I added. I really lack a understanding on EC/ppm. If anyone has a link to a thread explaining for dummies, would be appreciated.

“We need to know the water only ppm”

Sorry @Waira if I have misunderstood, does this mean you need the ppm of the water before any nutes are added?

@Waira you’re a legend mate, your knowledge and patience is second to none.
Mango's, the lower pic is water only, and the upper is the nute solution total?
Roger that on the nutes conc., thanks! I think that's OK, but as mentioned part A has other vital nutes in it, so all must be used no matter what... I see no N issues mate, so relax on that...
The res' pH is too high,...make a new batch and leave out the Ca-Mg, plenty in the base nutes for now... get the pH down to low 6's... Then it wait an see! Some damage will not fix, look for halting of progression....

Start with a basic search on the terms EC and TDS, you'll easily find some general definitions,... we have some info here too in Reference..
.... As you'll see, EC is the best way to go as it's a universal standard, TDS is not... It's a drag, and worse, different nute brands use different standards in the feeding chart numbers (ppm),... When in doubt, ask the manufacturer what they are using....

Cheers and thanks Mango's! :pass: