You have been a busy bee, cutting and trimming!

I wish! I been lazy, just am not feeling so hot these days.... I can't seem to find the energy to get anything done, like a million projects going on all at same time... Besides the test grows/ light tests...I Been trying Re-Paint inside house, that is a project in itself...Prepping walls,caulking etc....
I am highly impressed how these buds turning out, The main on this was Massive...The largest I ever had on an auto or any Inside plant, I trimmed main up in 1 shot that thing has some serious weight to it it has been hanging 4 days now and still bending hanger from the weight... So far I was surprisingly pleased how easily Both Kush's cleaned up, very little trimming...Me it takes longer only because I'm anal and like them to look well manicured as you will notice in end product.
I am highly impressed how these buds turning out, The main on this was Massive...The largest I ever had on an auto or any Inside plant, I trimmed main up in 1 shot that thing has some serious weight to it it has been hanging 4 days now and still bending hanger from the weight... So far I was surprisingly pleased how easily Both Kush's cleaned up, very little trimming...Me it takes longer only because I'm anal and like them to look well manicured as you will notice in end product.
It's a beautiful plant! Lots to trim so I can see how it would take a LOT of time.

Painting is one of my least favorite things to do
Very well grown bud!! Great job!
Thanks so much Bro! This should be an awesome yield I have approx 7 1/2- 8 1/2oz hanging already and approx 5-7oz left or so.. I might come very-very close to 16oz/1lb on that one.. It will be close for sure..Has me nailing biting that's for sure! I called 1lb on this way back in beginning but after set-back I had with stolen nutes I wasn't confident I could still pull it off... But surprisenly this plant really bulked up very nicely and got much denser then I imagined it would get. I have to tell ya it's rather awesome, I tried a little sample and WOW!!!! My first Kush just about ready to be weighed & jarred, I was hoping today but possibly tomorrow.:d5::pass:
Thanks so much Bro! This should be an awesome yield I have approx 7 1/2- 8 1/2oz hanging already and approx 5-7oz left or so.. I might come very-very close to 16oz/1lb on that one.. It will be close for sure..Has me nailing biting that's for sure! I called 1lb on this way back in beginning but after set-back I had with stolen nutes I wasn't confident I could still pull it off... But surprisenly this plant really bulked up very nicely and got much denser then I imagined it would get. I have to tell ya it's rather awesome, I tried a little sample and WOW!!!! My first Kush just about ready to be weighed & jarred, I was hoping today but possibly tomorrow.:d5::pass:

Sounds awesome!!
Hey Guy's I jarred a small amount of the 1st Kush are some beautiful bud shots! This Kush Is FIRE!!! I couldn't resist trying a bud after seeing how beautiful it looks and how awesome it smells even without any cure, The Flavor is So Awesome & It really packs a punch too... I imagine after cure, it will be even better not sure how it can get any better, but I know it will...Enjoy some buds shots.:drool::dancer::fire: