Grow Mediums Auto Kush - Mars-Hydro 48 reflector series - ph perfect Advanced nutrients - Coco.

Apr 29, 2016
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Hi guys. First journal so bare with me. I'm on day 28 but I will post photos from start up to present. I have documented watering schedule on my iPad calendar so I can match up the dates to photos taken on the iPad.

Medium is 50/50 coco peat/perlite
Strain. Auto Kush from femaleseeds. Purchased from The Vault
Nuts ph perfect by Advanced nutrients.
Lighting - by Mars-hydro 48 reflector series
Room - converted fridge 2x2x6. It's closer to 5.8 subtracting thickness of fridge walls.
Germination- paper towel. Then in to rock wool cube.

Water - Reverse-osmosis. I have this thanks to @A-Train I was following one of his journals when I was a lurker, but he went AWOL for a few weeks before his journal was complete, but came back to say if your using auto pots and coco get a RO unit. Lol so I did.

Not using auto pots, I did buy one of their units that comes with out the pot that you sit in a tray, but opted out, and will just be manually watering.

I'm gonna have to edit in photos, as I'm on iPad and can't open the album in another tab with this browser as it's set to secure so if you leave the page it closes back to blank.

I pre-treated the coco mix with 1/4 strength AN G/M/B per liter, 1ml per liter of CMX cal/mag
and 1 ml per liter of ryzofuel which is a root stimulant.

this is what the system looks like from the out side


It's alive!

I have a web cam in the the room that I can remote to from my ipad to make sure the shit hasn't hit the fan, the little ball is blue tac covering a very bright blue led.

Nutes. the only thing not in pic that I use is ryzofuel which is a kelp derived pot ash for root growth.

The magic beans. the ones in the baggies are from Herbbies, all the other stuff in breeder packs is from The Vault.

The Light Mars-Hydro 48 reflector series. It's now on a adjustable hanging basket suspender
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8 days old. Looking very small was my comment. At this stage I have a thc bomb next to it that had 1/3organic soil in it. Which brought a plague of fungus gnats. Let the war commence.

next day after I applied diatomaceous earth. Message to self water, then earth down.
At this stage I'm giving 1ml per liter of G/B/M 1ml cal mag 1ml voodoo.

This is the Thc Bomb Photo next to it that started the Gnat issue.

inside the Bomb checking how many nodes I have to commence what I have recently found out is called mainlining. I'd been doing this 20 years ago, I didn't know it had a name but an old mate of mine who had grown all his life put me on to it.

jumping ahead. This is the Auto as of yesterday. I have put a cm layer of diatomaceous earth on it and then filled it to the top with perlite in the hope to dry the fkrs out. ther is also about 2 cm of DE 2 inches from the bottom of the pot to stop any larva heading up. I think this and the light to high had slowed the poor girl down.
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I'm in for the ride man. I promise the ro unit was a good idea. The ph perfect line runs great in soil. They always balance to 6.2 in my feeds wich is spot on. But the coco needing to be lower like 5.8 they just wouldn't do it. And any ph buffer in the ph perfect line can be a disaster. It only causes the nutes to combat the ph balancer and can really show some bad ph swings. The ro is perfect 5.8 each time. Your plants are gonna love ya for it and yes ... sorry for going awol I hit a bump in the road in life and took me a min to man up and get back to my normal self.

Good luck my friend. Thanks for making an account the Luling is no good lol. Get out here and get active in the best canna site on the web.
current feeding is at 2ml per Liter, G/M/B, 1ml per liter cal mag, 1ml per liter Voodoo Juice.

Much easier doing this from my pc.
@A-Train Cheers mate, thanks for popping in. Your right this has to be the best Canna site around. I've been cruising through most of the popular sites hunting info, but they seem to be very toxic in comparison. I've been following all of your grows through here, very inspirational mate. I love the training you do. I've bought a tent that I will be using in my new house when we move in the next few months, and plan on jumping on to the Mephisto genetics train with the rest of you guys soon. Until then it's Auto Kush, then next up will be Auto Cheese Berry by 00 Seeds.
The Auto Kush still on the same feed 2 ml per liter of G/M/B 1 ml per liter cal mag and 1 ml of voodoo juice. I forgot to add that I aerate the water for about 6 hours.

the light is 20 inch above. I did have a slight misshape and got a couple of crispy leafs from the light sliding down on a new adjustable hanger. thankfully I have a screen between the plant and light so it didn't hit them at least.

this one below is the thc bomb photo after I butchered it and the small one in the back is a clone from the the top of the bomb


top view of the photo bomb clone
Sorry for the dead photo links above. I've switched to using a camera and posting from a laptop from now on thats nice and safe, and away from accursed social media, clouds, and all things in any shape and form looking at my shit or trying to upload my shit with out my say-so. lol

A close second was that all the images were too LARGE that were up loaded from my Wank pad, So I will start from here at day 33 taken this morning. Maybe I will fill in the blanks above at a later date. I've got the logistics of moving house over the next month, along with this stuff below. Fun times.

Auto Kush from Female Seeds.
Day 33 1ml G/M/B pl, 1 ml cal/mag, 1ml voodoo, .5ml rhino.

I raised the light 2 days ago by about 3 inc, and could really see her praying up to the light, its been real slow up until now. I have halved the feed for the last 3 days, had some nute burn. I will stick with this feed for a few days then drop rhino off, hope it stretches up a bit more may keep moving the light.

I have ponytailed her for 6-7 hours, may do longer tomorrow, not with a cable tie this time although that did make it very easy to do, i now have double sided velcro to loop around next time.
View media item 8920View media item 8921This is the top from a mainlined Thc Bomb cloned, that im testing a feed comparision of using more G 2ml per l/M 1ml per l, B 1ml per l.
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And this is the mainlined Thc Bomb that is on a strait 2ml pl G/M/B 1 ml cal mag, 1 ml voodoo. baring in ming that this fkr has been chopped to hell set for 8 colas to be flowered at a later date
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Sup guys. A quick update with some pic’s. And I have a few questions that I will post at the end, if this gets to long winded or no one sees this lol, I will create another thread about my up coming move of house and crop to a new tent new light etc that I need some help picking.

Auto Kush is on 1 ml per litre of Advanced Nutrients 3 part G/M/B

1 ml per litre voodoo

1 ml cal MAG

.5ML rhinoskin in preparation to breaking the girls neck in a week maybe, we’ll see how much stretch happens. she’s recovering from a little accidental nute burn but seems to be picking up all things considered. Fkn 4.5 litre pot is a little to small for an already small strain. But I’ll be rectifying that for the new tent and the next grow.

Top of Auto Kush by Femaleseeds.

Kush Under Mars-Hydro 48 reflector series.

and side on.

Kush to scale

This shot is a better reflection of the true color

Here's a picture of the girls guns.

Here's the Mumma Thc Bomb set for 8 colas and her long departed head.

Here’s a bit of info on the photos THC Bomb Mumma and clone head both set up to mainline . Clone head will be getting transplanted once move to new house. Ecck

Both mumma and clone are on 2ml p liter B/M/ and 4ml G

2ml p l voodoo

1 ml pl cal mag

Her Old Head

Some leaf burn from a droplet I think.

That didnt stop me going on a bug hunt lol.


Not even microscopic bugs. woot

Heres a group shot
I couldn't wait a week lol. her neck looked ready for ringing. a little duct tap just to make sure she holds together, and some velcro to tame her down. I checked a few hours after this shot and she was already pulling back up.

Bad Kush, Stay down
Hi Guys. So I thought it was about time for an update, things have changed a bit from the old stealth fridge operation.

With my impending move coming up, stealth is no-longer an issue. Woot. So operation Mars Tent acquisition has begun. @MarshydroTina In Fact another Mars Light is on the way as well, the Mars II 1200. But I’ll get back to that.

So I am at day 46 of the Auto Kush, by Female Seeds. Bought via The Vault. @George Seeds

Best place to get your beans from by the way. Stealth was awesome, and they came in all the breeders packages. the ones not in packs are from an early herbies purchase.

She is on 2ml pL G/M and 4ml pL B. 2ml pL Voodoo juice. And 2ml pL of Big Bud. Been on this for 8 days. I went up .5ml of B every day until I hit 4ml pL and have left it at that for now. And 1ml pl of Cal/Mag. With every feed. I’ve also got my RO Water being aerated 24/7 now as well.

Heres a few happy snaps, my camera is a bit long in the tooth, much like the operator lol.




She doesn’t look to bad all things considered. I did have a war with Fungus Gnats on the two photo Thc Bombs in the room. Which is over for the time being. Things should be better now they are in a tent, in side. That, and growing in a 4.5 ltr pot will keep this girl small, but I have a feeling she might put on some weight around her hips over the next few weeks.

conditions appear to be fine, goes up to about 68 RH for an hour or so after watering , but sits on 60, and always around 21.c or around 70.f there abouts for you yankies out there.

So I got a 2x2 tent for house moving logistics and after setting it up, I thought fk it I could do a few small autos in here, and now that I wont really need the fridge in the new place. I thought, Hmm gonna need more light for more autos. So long story short, I ordered a Mars II 1200.

Yeah baby thats enough light right?. Lol. @arty zan

Hi Greensleves

I love it when companies care about the customer & nothing beats good customer service!

The Mars II 1200 is too large a light for a 2' x 2' grow space and is almost as big at 23" x 23".

The Mars II 400 would be more suited to the size of your space.

If your gonna get a Mars II, then why not ask Tina from Mars Hydro, here in the forums, what she would recommend?

Here's the link to the Mars Hydro section -

Can't wait to see the journal when you get it!

So enough said, I’m Mars-hydros best customer this week and ordered the 4x4x7 as well


I hope your getting a commission arty lol.

Once I get the 4x4 and the 1200 up I will be running a Top feed DWC/FloodnDrain/airponics all in one system lol in Expanded clay baskets. It will be a Auto Cheese Berry by 00 Seeds also sourced via The Vault Seed Catalog which is germinating as we speak. I will be moving to a full and clean bug free mediums from now on. Just have root rot and humidity to contend with lol. I post a pic of what I made next update in a week or so.