Calling her dead dug down and her main tap root was very flimsy like a sponge not rigid or anything like it should be. She hasn't grown in a week nearly new bean started what do you guys think could have caused this?
Unfortunately I've ran into my first bit of seedling trouble myself and am scratching my head about it too! Maybe just a dud? Lol its really sad though! I think some of my soil is hot do to me making mistakes, deciding not to use some i super charged angst mixed it with the rest. I think I will scrap the little bit of soil left and clean my soil tote very well with rubbing alcohol and go buy some more soil today. Start fresh. I've never had a problem before but seem to b having some issues with a few girls and they ate in this soil. Worst looking plants I've grown haha
Not so much one point I measured my ingredients wrong trying to super charge my soil with clonex and or voodoo juice and presoaked whole 3gal pots and was about to sow my beans when I remembered I didn't let my water sit out and I used tap water, dunno why because I always use RO, so I dumped the soil and mixed some other in with it. I added more voodoo juice when I presoaked my soil forgetting it may already b hot from unused nutes. Really the only thing that's change from grow to grow with my germination technique. I dunno. I'm going to do it how I learned using fresh soil and no additives, just water until day 10. So looking for the extra boost ya know. ...sorry I didn't explain it very good before. ...Yea idk maybe I was just lucky with the first 2 going off with no hitch..... IDK but i do know that it wasn't funny.. It opened up and got not only the first 2 rounded leaves but the next set wanting to come out then just stopped.... I'm using coco/perlite mix so I don't think being too hot has anything to do with it? IDK. Your saying it could be contaminates in your tote? We all say these things but man these plants grow out in the wild in unregulated soil I don't think that's the problem.... ?