Auto Hacks & Tips

Does the hollowness of that storage container echo the noise louder. or did you put some kind of sound deadener on it?
I don't have problem with huming or vibration, it's that huuushh sound of air coming out of ducting..I will try some stuff you guys suggested. Thank you

Hey mate I know the exact whooshing sound you're dealing with. Grab some insulated ducting, about 2m worth and whack it on the outlet of your fan. Reduces it to almost nothing, have tried a few different things I was amazed at how well this works. The insulated ducting isn't cheap though.
I don't have problem with huming or vibration, it's that huuushh sound of air coming out of ducting..I will try some stuff you guys suggested. Thank you
Don't know how big a unit you need-- I had a 4" 195cfm Vivosun fan that dea motor problem and was screeching. I replaced it with an ac infinity pancake and it is whisper quiet (right next to my bed) and the lower cfm is actually allowing the ac and dehumidifier to take a rest.
Amazon product ASIN B009OWRMZ6
My problem is that I stuck my ducting thru the window, but my window blind are half way down to hide my ducting, so when air comes out it hits it and make that humming sound.. I don't think insulated ducting can help maybe only something like this.. Amazon product ASIN B01CTM0J70.. Bit I cant fit it in my window,.. :)
Tyler, you don't remember me, I'm sure. I don't have the same name, here.
But I remember you from another grow site, several years ago,
Your doing a great job with your plants and information!
Keep up the good work.
Oh I'm still getting my revenge on them lol. Every single time they have a party last past 8:30 PM I make sure to break it up for them lmao. I hate dealing with cops so usually I just send fireworks flying over their house. Tends to put an end to their fun. But I wholeheartedly agree with you guys... it's a damn plant. Not only that but a medical plant at that. I have friends and family down in Texas right now who cant get any sort of medical cannabis for their PTSD or anxiety, depression... you name it. I lived there for a very short time and it's no fun at all always wondering if you're gonna go to jail for a joint. It's bullshit. I lost a good friend- Army vet to suicide behind him not being able to treat his PTSD without a cocktail of pills everyday. I kept telling him he needed to leave Texas but he was truly loyal to his state.
Sorry to hear about your friend. I have a couple close friends that saw much action on multiple tours, and the VA says here's a bunch of pills. Plus the excessive drinking...its tough to watch. I understand his loyalty. Its A Texas thing and unless you're from there or have lived there a whike most don't get it. Too many look at it as arrogance , but it's pride in our state.
Even worse than the b.s. laws is that so many libs from California and Illinois have moved to Texas for the low taxes and cost of living. They bring their shitty politics to Texas and are effecting the vote. So basically you're leaving your shithole state for a better one but they still bring their worthless liberal politics and beliefs that made their state a shithole with them? Yeah makes a lot of sense doesn't it.
I have a little 2x4 tent set up next to my big one with a 6inch booster fan and I use it for the 72 hour dark period at the end of flower and to hang and dry after. Works great. But a big cardboard box or anything like that would work as well. As long as you have a fan sucking the air out into the bigger tent your good to go. I have a couple extra tents laying around so I use them. But before I bought my big ones I had 3-4 4x4 tents all connected via 6 inch pipe and had fresh air inlet going into the first one and my carbon filter and exhaust going out the last so that they all circulated the same air. It worked great and I was able to have diffrent areas with diffrent light scedual and diffrent lights for diffrent stages of growth. It also makes it possible to have perpetual harvests. I still do it from time to time. My only advice would be double the size every stage of growth let's say for seedlings use a 2x4 then for veg a 4x4 and then for flower a 8x4. That's what I use.

I have been thinkin about doing something similar but with two 4x4 or 5x5 or just one big 5x9 and a 2x4. I am a little concerned about managing the smell if I used only one filter and recirculated it through both tents. Did you have noticeable smell with the tents closed during flowering. Any info or opinions on drawbacks you encountered while setting those multiple tents up? Thanks bud and appreciate it.
Thank god for little zip ties I use them everyday for tieing limbs to the fabric pots. I use them to hold the light hangers from sliding on the poles. I use them to mend a broken branch and a whole lot more I cant think of at the moment. I also take a five gallon bucket drill holes in the lid and water my plants on it so the runoff is caught in the pail for easy dumping outside. Just a few little hacks I use.
I just bought BIG bag of zip ties-i do all of the above, also use runoff water in garden and on houseplants
Some great hacks there!
