It's not a good idea to top autos because they have a short veg period and pinching them throws them off.Normally autos start showing sex at three weeks give or take a few days depending on strain.Your plant looks real healthy.Have you checked real close for preflower pistols?The only other thing is it could be a photo plant that the seed bank or breeder got mixed up.I would wait another five or six days and if you still don't see any pistols i would try putting it under 12'/12 lighting and see if that doe anything.Keep checking every day for pistols and let us no whats happening.
Has the AK progressed any more since you posted the pic of her pistols on the 4th? Should be flowers going by now. I could never dump a plant like that. If she's not flowering, I'd drop the light cycle. She has the potential for a lot of bud.
Has the AK progressed any more since you posted the pic of her pistols on the 4th? Should be flowers going by now. I could never dump a plant like that. If she's not flowering, I'd drop the light cycle. She has the potential for a lot of bud.
Wow this is interesting, sorry to hear about the trouble with her. Hope it turns out ok though!
Yes, after 12/12 for a week she's sending out preflower like crazy