Lighting Auto COB vs Optic 1 COB vs MarsHydro Reflector 48

sorry my bad, I own the mars cob not the reflector... I jumped the gun a little and didn't read the full title
No worries, have you ever seen or heard of the RapidLed 75w cob?
edit: or they have a 100w also
I didn't look much into the Rapid led stuff. The Chilled puck things peaked my interest but just havn't had time to research them. I spent a lot of time debating between the optic led and the auto cobs when they were 54 watt. And looking though the forums pretty much sealed the deal on the autocobs. Try to find a bad review or some negative feedback on them. It's just not out there, Smo runs a pretty good show with his service and product.
I didn't look much into the Rapid led stuff. The Chilled puck things peaked my interest but just havn't had time to research them. I spent a lot of time debating between the optic led and the auto cobs when they were 54 watt. And looking though the forums pretty much sealed the deal on the autocobs. Try to find a bad review or some negative feedback on them. It's just not out there, Smo runs a pretty good show with his service and product.
Yea, I'm definitely leaning towards getting an Autocob. They work for Veg and Flower right?
Efficiency is more important than wattage in a lot of comparison cases
Crappy chip and off brand driver may pull more wattage but a quality driver and chip at lower draw may actually create more useable light.
I’d say for quality of useable light the Autocob is a proven platform. At a easily non regrettable price.
Not to be a pain but I did a lot off reasesrching before my DIY builds and over and over again it was quality chip/board and quality driver wins the efficiency and useable light produced game everyday. I’d say a good quality light driven at 75% delivers more useable light that a crappy one driven at 100%. Unless you need the wasted Watts turned into BTUs to heat your space. Get the best light and figure out environment some other way.
I’d go Autocob, I have purchased from Rapid and they do sell quality equipment, I would choose the chilled puck if I went that route. Do believe the price is more, and they certainly don’t have the 4 pack price from @BigSm0 . That 4 pack seems like the best deal in lighting anywhere.
Efficiency is more important than wattage in a lot of comparison cases
Crappy chip and off brand driver may pull more wattage but a quality driver and chip at lower draw may actually create more useable light.
I’d say for quality of useable light the Autocob is a proven platform. At a easily non regrettable price.
Not to be a pain but I did a lot off reasesrching before my DIY builds and over and over again it was quality chip/board and quality driver wins the efficiency and useable light produced game everyday. I’d say a good quality light driven at 75% delivers more useable light that a crappy one driven at 100%. Unless you need the wasted Watts turned into BTUs to heat your space. Get the best light and figure out environment some other way.
I’d go Autocob, I have purchased from Rapid and they do sell quality equipment, I would choose the chilled puck if I went that route. Do believe the price is more, and they certainly don’t have the 4 pack price from @BigSm0 . That 4 pack seems like the best deal in lighting anywhere.
Thanks for the reply Frenjamin, I have been glued to my computer doing my homework on lights the past 3-4 days. As of now i am torn between an Autocob [$135] & HLG 100 V2 [Quantum Board - $149] -- On paper the HLG is more impressive but the fact that i dont see many people using them [youtube / AFN] makes me think twice. I fear buying the wrong light as i have done this in the past. [more than once]
Thanks for the reply Frenjamin, I have been glued to my computer doing my homework on lights the past 3-4 days. As of now i am torn between an Autocob [$135] & HLG 100 V2 [Quantum Board - $149] -- On paper the HLG is more impressive but the fact that i dont see many people using them [youtube / AFN] makes me think twice. I fear buying the wrong light as i have done this in the past. [more than once]

I don’t think either would be a mistake, they are both great options and I have purchased from HLG. Get a autocob and some fast buds seeds and some MC and you could probably knock out 3-5 zips soil/hydro on your grow without even trying if you can maintain your VPD in a happy place (wide range). I am under the current belief that some breeders plants are just better under led than others so watch the genetics.
Pull the trigger and don’t look back :crying:
Have you adjusted the settings on the Mars cob?
When I got mine it was turned down to halfway, lense was flawless though. Took it off anyway, even bought a reflector from rapid led. She is a beast!

Here's my Avt with only that light on overhead to see spread and brightness.
Have you adjusted the settings on the Mars cob?
When I got mine it was turned down to halfway, lense was flawless though. Took it off anyway, even bought a reflector from rapid led. She is a beast!

Here's my Avt with only that light on overhead to see spread and brightness.View attachment 1018149
It is getting about an extra 60w side lighting just guessing as I have two 40w strips on each side. But pic is cob only.
I don’t think either would be a mistake, they are both great options and I have purchased from HLG. Get a autocob and some fast buds seeds and some MC and you could probably knock out 3-5 zips soil/hydro on your grow without even trying if you can maintain your VPD in a happy place (wide range). I am under the current belief that some breeders plants are just better under led than others so watch the genetics.
Pull the trigger and don’t look back :crying:
Sounds like a plan! MC? VPD? Sorry, I'm not yet savvy to the lingo. lol.