New Grower Auto cheese and auto mazar

Yeah mate cheese is looking good. With a humidity that high you definitely don't need the domes. 70—80% is perfect for germination as it should stay nice and damp after you flush the medium before you pop in the soil for germ right up until the seedling pops or after. Keep an eye out though as ofc conditions will vary.

Have you mixed in some perlite or similar to increase drainage and oxygen by the roots? 20/30% Makes a huge difference. A little (say 10%) vermiculite helps with water retention too and helps find balance in the soil

Some seeds can take a little while too, especially if there were any storage or age issues and some strains seem to take a little longer to pop. I would give it at least a week before scrapping normally, longer even. I had some seeds I did for a friend's set up that took up to 9 days to pop even though I did everything as I had before
I mixed about 30% perilite in the soil drainage is good and I put more holes in the pot too

I let the one seed in the soil for over a week and nothing so I germed another automazar last night
So here we are day 9 for auto Cheese

And we have a new addition to the family automazar popped her head up today
Thanks Archie I'm hoping they are healthy enough to top when the time comes
hi pal thanks for posting your journal you look like your off to a great start pal i will follow along and as you said its your first grow with seeds thats the most dodgy time for me :pass:good on ya brother nowt better than ya own grown weed
@St. Tom Thanks for following along and listening for any advice, yes first time with these beans and hoping they do as well as I know they can especially the automazar
Day12 Auto cheese looking good I think

Day 13 Auto cheese pics were taken with light on but growth is noticeable

Automazar is now 3 days old
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A lil late to the party but welcome to the group! Looking forward to following your grow.