Yup, I did notice the tell-tale sign of nitrogen toxicity by the 90 degree turned down tips on a few leaves. The weirdest part is that I never usually use a heavier N during growth, like Grow Big. Strange to have N tox and yellowing leaves. Oh well. OF has been giving me the runaround lately. I may have to switch soils. The pH has been all over the place, and I've noticed a couple fungus gnats. I did purchase some HF to use as a test next time, though. Almost 2 years with OF and no problems until recently. We'll see...
Thanks for the tip (no pun intended)!
I don't update a lot nor do I put a lot of pictures... but I'm really slow so that makes up for it.
Enjoy! There's pop in the fridge. I don't drink so you'll have to BYOB. But... I've got quite a bit of homegrown devil's lettuce you're more than welcome to!
OF is supposed to be a very hot soil, so going light on nutes once you start (I'd only start in flowering, and keep EC at 0.7 or so) would be the way to go with that stuff. Surprised it has fungus gnats though--I hate those lil bastards. I am growing in Fafard Professional Mix, which has no gnats at all, but I still put boiling water through it before I sowed my seeds to kill any potential gnat eggs.
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