may she be fruitful and bear many fine ounces.
Thanks man! I'm REAL excited... my friend found it as I asked him to keep an eye out when i hooked him up... Only one I got in that batch! lolThat's a damn fine looking seed and very I would say 100% Viable JM...
Currently in the fridge for about a week.. afraid to "risk" it not popping... so procedure wil be followed to a c-hiar! lolJm if you put that bean on a dry heat source you could pop it in a week with a little scarification or pop it open like a clam...
small containers no good... too shallow and narrow... big diff!
yes... larger shallower pots seem best... good height control combined with MASSIVE weight potential. I'm holding off on judgement for multis until I see my singles come through as referrence!So far though... yes I'd say they love a little "snuggle buddy"