Indoor Australia+Equatorial v the world

I use the 3%.1 qt to 4 qt of water.
6 % I would say your right. But I've not used it that way so you were experimenting for all of us right now good luck if you decide to choose this Mission mr. Phelps


Choosing it and going with it! At least this is much more interesting than my tomatoes!
Ok bad news first...something has eaten my bubbasquanch already...good news my dragon is hatching and fugue state ×orange diesel is still alive!
Mice will often chomp at the stem. Shit heap of caterpillars around this time of year. Grab some lady bugs. Think you can get them from the department of primary industry.

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Just ordered 2 x 500ml bottle of 35% H2O2 that is mainly used in agriculture/ aquaculture. This way, I don't need to order a buttload. I can dilute this to at least 40 litres to drench more than a couple times! Cheaper too!

At least I now have a side project to tide me over till next round!

Good to see some contenders!


Here is my entry!

