Indoor Australia+Equatorial v the world

Bubbasquanch on day 2! Should i top her yet?
The words Proud and SEQLD shouldn't be used in the same sentence...grow a good plant or hecno will toss your ass into N.S.W as well :crying:
Ok I'm in. Proud SEQLD here. Got my grow on. Oh and we can cuss without upsetting people right?

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Ill be playing under the sun aswell... for now. I had a lazy accident and didn't pre soak my coco so the plants sat idle for about a week with barely any growth so Ive shut the tent down, threw them outside and ran some ph'd nutes through the pots.

At one week and five days theyre looking alot better and i have faith theyll forget they ever had a rough start.

3 of 4 F1s (4th aint as nice or big)




And strangely a Mephisto Sour Crack that is really taking its time, 12 days to even get its first true leaf out.. i had 5 of them alongside the 5 F1s all in the same conditions and all F1s pulled through and all Sour Cracks minus this slowpoke failed to germ past cotyledon.


They were my first mephistos so ill baby this one and hopefully it pulls through.