update day i will edit. girl's pulled out, full inspection,:dance:all looking fine, given one gallon each, of max strength vegging nute's. "if your not pushing the envelope, then your taking up to much space" took my pic's and put them away. thank you for stopping by and ogleing my sweet girl's!:smokebuds:day 29:tiphat:
update day 33. girl's given full maximum veg nute's, 1 gallon each. i have been trying to take pics with the name's showing, it's not working out to wellanyhow, in the trio shot's, the left, and largest is the autojack47:dance:to the rear, and smallest is the cream mandarine."Bailers Booya" and on the right is big devil#2from the growth and vigor of these girl's,i feel very confident on a prodigous amount of bud. thank you for your help and interest.:smokebuds::hug:
Another awesome update Astro the AutoJack is a beast bro, you will love the Big Devil #2 I just chopped mine last night so you can check her out all stripped down if you want I posted the pics.
Your updates are by far my favorite I always look forward to them don't get me wrong there is a lot of members here who have great updates but something about yours that just get me "pher Wiggle":dance2: so thank you brother for your hard work and dedication to AFN:grat:
:dance:....a line from a Traveling Wilbury's song popped into my head while looking at these glowing beauties,... "..he loves your parts and serrr-vice!..." "Bailers Booya" :foxy: ... :roflcry: ... As always, the Astro-brand TLC treatment is producing the outstanding results we've come to enjoy! How I do love your good works, my friend!... such large, lush plants for only 33 days!! Sweet has such wonderful, rock solid strains, huh,...:stylez rasta smoke: and they are lovin' you right back! ....That CM is showing the fattest leaves by far on that strain I've seen yet,...bodes for some very interesting buds to compare with other grows... LOL! -Hey, those aren't the outrageuos PJ's we were promised pics of a while ago! :KISS: .... :brow: prodigious amounts indeed, what with the photo's finishing up just before these hotties are ready? ..as I'm sure they will be at least equal to the fabulous Black Jacks you grew recently!
sweet seeds are the popular girls right now seems everybody is giving em a run... but for good reason. lovely stuff. hope that cream mandarine catches up soon mine was a tall girl and soooo frosty... hope the same for yours!
update day 38. the autojack 47 is dominating:ama:she is the largest, and is throwing out bud's:dance:the cream mandarine is showing plenty of preflower's, and the same for the big devil#2 i stated the aj47 on bloom nute's, and the other two got a medium dose of veg nute's. the aj47 obviously will be harvested first, she is fast!! tri shot, cm on left bd#2 on right and the aj47 in rear. gallon jug in pic for comparison. thank you for your encouragement and help.
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