Sweet Seeds astronomy's sweet seed's menage a trois.

:Stones slap: I believe I'm missing something important here..
Great diary my friend and good luck with the rest of it, i will be around to watch it ;)
thank's for stopping by jay.:tiphat:i hope to do them justice!:smokebuds:and thank you for the point's:bow:
update day 11. split one gallon of water with 15ml of big bloom, has no nitrogen in it, so wont hurt the baby's all looking good.:dance:the big devil is living up to her name so far, she is the largest.:smoke:thank you for your help and comment's!:peace: DSC_1038.jpgDSC_1037.jpgDSC_1036.jpgDSC_1035.jpgDSC_1034.jpgDSC_1033.jpgDSC_1032.jpgDSC_1031.jpgDSC_1030.jpgDSC_1029.jpg
Nice Astro :smokebuds: I have a Big Devil growing right now also she is around 35 to 40 days now and man is she a beast. Sub'd up for this."Munch"
jayp thank's brother!:D:i went looking for a pic of your girl? could not find one. post one here if you have one.:smokebuds:love to see her!:dancer:
Loving the babies astro :D: I'm dealing with heat issues as well (the lack of) Happy growing my friend :smokebuds:
Dammit how did those get sideways that sucks. If anyone can straighten them up I would appreciate it.Hop digity
Looks like a great start to that Big Devil. :karma Cloud:
thank's jayp.:dance:lush green growthHop digitysomething to look forward to.:smokebuds: hello mississ:tiphat: thank you. :D: