Sweet Seeds (Armory's)~Sweet~AutoMix~Journey.Hps/LED~Dual-Perpetual~Tents In a Closet= )

Nov 23, 2013
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allseeds and free 007.jpg

Thanks for stepping in! = )

Psst..In here 5weeks3days 001.jpgnew2 020.jpgnew2 019.jpg5weeks2days 014.jpg all in their 600 cfm out and 300 in GDPsuccses+1stday9jacks 006.jpg Summer gets kinda hot with temps in the 80-85 but it's night's during winter cold it can get to 50 if i forget to heat my room with light's off but these sweet seeds dont seem to care AT ALL = )

With this allseeds and free 011.jpgLed&Guardian 038.jpgLed&Guardian 028.jpgLed&Guardian 014.jpgLed&Guardian 004.jpg

900w TopLightLed using 5w leds
FFof soil and full nute line up but these new MAGICAL SEEDS dont seem to even need my own pee let alone extra nutes lol jk! :p thinking of using budcandy this time around with bonticare cal/mag+

Just Found out about the sweet! and went a little crazy =) with thier first 4 F-1 fast versions and BlackCream Mandarine,Special and thier Skunk auto's on the way,I should be almost set.I will then stock up on my favorite flavor's of these growthemself seeds of thiers !!! :p SweetCheese and the Green Poison ended up AWESOME better then I could have exspected.the gp turned out just as tasty as the free seed I got from my Failed photo grows,Hence the crazy :p

This will be my new home = ) will be growing out the automix packs to see if they are as good as buying the specific flavors since there cheap, but im going to stock up on my favorite flavor's as I learn which ones they are = ) As it stands im liking GreenPoison and SweetCheese the most! check out my first real auto grow I documented here at afn if you'd like to see the porn = ) https://www.autoflower.org/f44/armorys-600w-dual-tents-closet~perpetual~autos~journey-28043.html

Now I got four autoMixSeeds going atm at the end of thier first week and a dp think diffrent on the side for fun to see if the genetics are as good as the sweet ;-) will post pics of them soon = ) had to get a new browser so I could upload photo's lolz

My introduction Story I Posted in the intro forums will explain why im going CRAZY OVER THE SWEET = ) a long but interesting true story!

Hello Everyone! thanks for visiting,hope I can share yall's adventure's with you and learn from all you fantastic auto growers here!!!

Im new to auto's and been growing photo sensitive seeds for 2 years now about 9 grows under my belt.

My story is a long one lol.ive been growing for nearly two years now with really exspensive equiptment,well good enough for anything I'd want to do,this is just my hobby but I want to just be able to grow all of my own smoke, enough for me and my friends to have to not conserve..ever! and only take t breaks when absolutely nessisary.

I have not had one successful grow! not the bomb stuff that I buy from dispensiries nor as good as all the growers ive ever read about in any guide ive ever read and ive read a lot of them.

I orderd seeds from the attitude, green house/g13 photo period seeds good genetic's phed's water as good as I could.everything normal but it always turns out b grade at best.

Well I did get a Free Seed called Auto Green Poison and it was supposed to stay small from what a friend said about auto's, at this point ive never even heard of them,so I threw it in it's own 3g air pot and by the 14th day of vegging my photo period c-99 this auto green poison started budding out! I was like woah! what the hell is going on! does the forces of the universe love me or what!,well what happened over the next 3 weeks amazed me and brought me back hope into my very boring life!

It seemed to be growing it's self I hadn't even given it any nutes yet and the buds forming on this thing smelled better then anything ive ever grown! or smelled from the dispensiries. I was like awe struck!.. for reals! I had been doing this for 2 years!, nothing even close to this smell! it was so potent and pungeant I could tell it was gonna be good stuff or atleast good enough to smoke on and taste decent.

Well this thing really did grow it's self, all I did was water it! in 7 weeks it was 13 inches tall with 20g dry meds on it(that's what it came out too)The best tasting very potent very perfect looking sticky icky ooey goooey goodness I was like omg what the hell have I been doing wasting my time on photo period seeds,then I was like it's gotta be a fluke! maybe god loves me ? :p my mind don't know what to think, till I got here to these forums and you Fine Fine people!

I read story after story how someone got a free seed threw it in dirt and got the best smoke they've seen in years to their total surprise, so now im assuming?? all auto's grow them selves perfectly with good potent smoke that taste good? or is it just the companies listed here, that have done their genetic's properly? or is it just some certain seeds, with a certain company that happens to do above and beyond duty with the genetic's(like what you get from every pack of tomato seeds you buy in the store) and grow themselves to perfectly good smoke? I did read someone say auto green posion is exceptionally well done way above par above the rest is this true?

My c-99 turned out like everything else I had ever grown.decent for low tollerence people or people who don't smoke every hour on the hour but does nothing for me.the auto green p was some of the best smoke ive ever had!

Well after I read here for nearly 6 days now.I made a choice to buy 6 packs of sweet seeds all different strains, 1 pack being the auto green posion that I had got for free,hoping they all will do the same???

Already arrived are the auto green p and the sweet cheese,i am exspecting the dark devil and cream caramel to come today or tomorrow and in 13 days for the big devil#2 and red poison to come in.Im really hoping they all do exactly what the free seed did or am I just crazy and it was a fluke? in 2 month's time I will know but what do you all know?

Thank you for your time,patience and understanding! im a total newb to growing good smoke and completely new to auto's. if my hopes are true(that most auto's grow themselves with very little nutes and don't mine badly phed water)I didn't notice any defiencies from the auto,then im an auto grower for Life :p

Have a good day people and thank you for any advice and answers!

Ps..my picture advatar thingy is the auto green posion im speaking of :p
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looking dam good looking forward to which your Sweet Show :Sharing One:Peace Kudo.jpg
Week2SweetDpweek3 006.jpgWeek2SweetDpweek3 002.jpg

Week 2 for the sweets.

Not much to show
Week2SweetDpweek3 040.jpgWeek2SweetDpweek3 035.jpgWeek2SweetDpweek3 026.jpgWeek2SweetDpweek3 042.jpgWeek2SweetDpweek3 048.jpg

Sweets first four f1 Fv fast versions should be showing up in the mail today

just watering them with ph'd 6.5 water.Saw some red coloring wheh they first sprouted but it looks like that cleared up.hoping for atleast one gp/rp or sweet cheese :p infact any color plant would be awesome to see growing :p hope the genetics for the automix packs are just as good as thier selected flavor's
My first four f1 fast versions have arrived = ) F1 FastVersions Seeds 001.jpg

Cant wait to see if the genetics of these are as easy to grow as thier autos!
End of week 3 for the sweet auto mix pack,just dropped in four beans to check genetic's before i buy some bulk
EndWeek3SweetMix 026.jpgEndWeek3SweetMix 022.jpg One of them has obvious red shooting out from the new growth.

all the rest of sweet seeds varietes orderd and on the way,just found some sweet trainwreck and bloody skunk at http://original-ssc.com/bloody-skunk-auto-sweet-seeds.html will order the bloodyskunk as soon as it's in,will keep an eye out for the other new ones.if anyone sees a good link to the new ones please let me know !
Been ordering and checking out seeds left and right:p cant wait till those new sweet seeds come out, atleast I was able to find the trainwreck = )Week 4 for the 4 auto mixes all showed sex same weekWeek3AutoMixDpTdwk4ChWk1 050.jpg Week3AutoMixDpTdwk4ChWk1 054.jpg Week3AutoMixDpTdwk4ChWk1 090.jpg

4th Generation baby = )Week3AutoMixDpTdwk4ChWk1 092.jpg just waiting on four more flavor's and my collection will be complete as soon as those new ones come out haha! has anyone tried the dutch passion genetics are they just as good?
Lookign great armory ;)

Thanks for sharing. Seems like I will have to keep an eye on this one as there are not much grow diaries with Sweet Mix Auto yet...

All the best and sweet smokes!

Took out the gl60 to make room for more auto's :p will use that for mums of the fast versions later.Week4SweetMixDpWk5RoomUpdate 018.jpgWeek4SweetMixDpWk5RoomUpdate 008.jpgWeek4SweetMixDpWk5RoomUpdate 010.jpgWeek4SweetMixDpWk5RoomUpdate 011.jpgWeek4SweetMixDpWk5RoomUpdate 004.jpg

Week4 update for the Sweet Mix Auto'sWeek4SweetMixDpWk5RoomUpdate 021.jpg

Got space to put some 2.5gal airpots in there or 2, 3.5's not sure which to try out first lolWeek3AutoMixDpTdwk4ChWk1 003.jpg As you can see it's gonna be hard = ) anyone got any suggestions? im thinking a jack 47 and a big devil#2 maybe a mandarin :p decisions,decisions..
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Sorry I haven't been able to update I had to close down shop to make a move to Missouri! (not my choice) not busted on the pot! 8^) but police really hate pot heads with guns that also like to drink once in a blue moon(I was in my own home/younger brother whom rarely visit's dosent like guns either but does like to assault people smaller then him/ something about church and god and being reborn HAH!/ yes they saw my pot(yes they did crack jokes lolz) no they didn't take me to jail for the pot,yes im out for good with a slap on the wrist, yes I know they don't allow it here in mo, o wells lolz , they got 45% approval for their mmj program I think their going to go for it in 2016.im just gonna grow out two/2 for now,keeping it sweet seeds all the way. never trust greedy/jealous younger brothers! Ba Hum Bug! 8( esp if they go to church and you don't hahaha!

The four/4 sweet seeds auto mix turned out great normal cut time for euro's and about 2 weeks early for americans I must say cutting early really does give you that more energetic high and no couch lock type of high at all (that was quite the surprise) will prolly cut them down from now on like that.

They did turn out very potent and great tasting along with a great high,i know for a fact, from the taste and looks that 1 of them was a + speed but couldnt tell ya what the others were but all were really great genetic's that did exactly what they were supposed to do,will try to get last pictures taken of them at 7 weeks.the other 1 was a dutch passion think different that did exactly what it said it would do,really great genetic's there too!

Will be setting up shop soon stay tuned!..