Are my girls stunted???!!!

Yes, they’re small for their age… but at this point, is what it is. They’ll still finish fine… just a fraction of what could have been.

IMO, you probably overdid it with soil… Folks use happy frog by itself…. And top up with nutrients later on when flower starts.

Same thing could be said with natures living….

Also, with organic soil, you don’t want to let it dry out… you’re trying to keep a microbial herd alive in that soil, mind you….
Yeah for sure, it is what it is, but any lesson learned is still progress in my book. They're still growing rapidly, so I'm curious to see what they'll look like on day 30. I'll post some progress pics then, and hopefully the pre-flower and flowering stretch are good to me... 🤞🏻 lol
Yes, they’re small for their age… but at this point, is what it is. They’ll still finish fine… just a fraction of what could have been.

IMO, you probably overdid it with soil… Folks use happy frog by itself…. And top up with nutrients later on when flower starts.

Same thing could be said with natures living….

Also, with organic soil, you don’t want to let it dry out… you’re trying to keep a microbial herd alive in that soil, mind you….
How dry are letting the pots get? Are they super light or heavy? The soil looks extremely dry how much and how often are you watering? They are little behind but I’ve seen way worse
How dry are letting the pots get? Are they super light or heavy? The soil looks extremely dry how much and how often are you watering? They are little behind but I’ve seen way worse
I was watering every other day, I have a pump sprayer with the tip taken off, that way the water flows straight through, I go twice around the outside edge of the pot, then saturate the middle. I put them on the auto watering puts that wick up and saturate the bottom third of the pot a little early, for sh*ts and giggles, just to see if they would drink, and they are. I wanted to avoid over watering, mold, and pest issues.
I was watering every other day, I have a pump sprayer with the tip taken off, that way the water flows straight through, I go twice around the outside edge of the pot, then saturate the middle. I put them on the auto watering puts that wick up and saturate the bottom third of the pot a little early, for sh*ts and giggles, just to see if they would drink, and they are. I wanted to avoid over watering, mold, and pest issues.

I'd think it is a watering issue at this age whether it's over or under is tough for me to say from here. Every other day seems like a lot I only water every few days when they're young but I also tend to give larger amounts and then leave them alone for a few days. IMO it best to water by weight generally. Is the soil dry to the touch? How heavy is the pot? Use these factors to determine when to water again. I've been growing in earth boxes and some DIY wicking trays and I don't start bottom watering till after day 21 ish once the leaves have reached the outside of the pot.
Lildab is spot on with the watering. Before your next grow fill up your pot with whichever soil you prefer, then fully saturate that thing with water. It will take a while for it to soak in as much as it can but after it will not take any more and has stopped running off lift it and get a good idea of how much it weighs. Rule of thumb is to water when the pot is about half that weight. Also in soils you wanna do your best to run off as little to none if possible. Its tricky and takes practice but that keeps all the amendments in the soil instead of the runoff. Remember plants need water but roots need to breathe too. So constantly putting water in there if the soil is damp will actually suffocate the root system a bit. By the way what's the humidity like in your grow space? Too low will cause rapid evaporation and dry out your pots quick. Also hurts the plant, taking in water too fast can result in "overfeeding symptoms" even though they may not be over fed, just drawing up water too fast.

Once you switch over to the wicking bases the wicking action will get keep it at a good level but keep any eye on the top portion, sometimes you will still have to top water a bit every now and then
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