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Well, I found out why we haven't been able to find MOB seed. TH Seeds got it somehow and they also trademarked the strain name........... such bullshit! I'm happy for the move towards legalization, I'm throughly disgusted with the move towards commercialization. NOT ONE of these companies gives a shit about their customers needs, only their wallets.....
That's life bud (and No, it ain't right,fair et all...but it is reality and I suspect a lot of folk d'be considered 'villains' (here and elsewhere), when the 'Big boys' have done their 'nasty' deals and 'divied' up the pot(no pun intended btw!)/market...
...Then again...I'm an idealist who became a realist...Therefore, I am by nature a Cynic...;)
Nice! They don't look upset about being upside down

thanx eyeoftheworld , they've dried of abit the last few days sinse cheers , they were an over watered looking pale green colour , now a much fuller greener colour an new growth has started churning out again :) . i was worried about the roots drying out for the half hour/ hour or so they were out tray an exposed to the light an air , the matting acted like a time lapse for me to carry out the work staying moist an stopped the roots from drying out , its great buffer the matting ,
I once forgot to switch pump back on after a water change an only realised a full day an a half later an they pulled through an got a harvest of it , matting saved the day , again !
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