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Well they certainly seem inexpensive and the seller has good feedback. The link he provided goes to Supercheese, not Supercheese Express, but no biggie, and that's the only time he mentions Positronics. I'm just a little wary that they're so cheap, looking at comparative prices on seedfinder, but if they grow well for you, great stuff! Post up pics of your grow when they come up, I'm sure everyone would want to see.

hi island grower , i received the super cheese express autos today and they look nice n fresh colour an there big size seed ! got an extra 2 seed of the same strain with them ! 12 for £23.50 :headbang: cant complain , has anyone else purchased these in the past ? ( ebay : 10 super cheese express autoflower feminised seeds )


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hi island grower , i received the super cheese express autos today and they look nice n fresh colour an there big size seed ! got an extra 2 seed of the same strain with them ! 12 for £23.50 :headbang: cant complain , has anyone else purchased these in the past ? ( ebay : 10 super cheese express autoflower feminised seeds )

Cant say that I have, grow em out and see how they do! That is a good deal on seeds for sure though
hi island grower , i received the super cheese express autos today and they look nice n fresh colour an there big size seed ! got an extra 2 seed of the same strain with them ! 12 for £23.50 :headbang: cant complain , has anyone else purchased these in the past ? ( ebay : 10 super cheese express autoflower feminised seeds )

Good luck with the Cheese.

I see you take the trouble to remove the seeds from the shipping packages and store them in the old pen trick. Now that it is out, I will have to empty all my pens.:baked:sh

Are we showing bush today.
here is the White Train after a couple days of final swell.

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See you all later today I hope everyone has great day

Have a great day @Feenix :bighug:

Goooooooooooooooooood Morning AFN!!!

@Mossy I am glad you like it, I am so happy with it! I am so glad we have such a cool logo! And I wasn't going to get a SMALL AFN tattoo lol.

[HASHTAG]#yabbadabbaderek[/HASHTAG] for some reason I Imagined it the same size as the logo on site..:coffee:..but that is Massive..

ewwww :tongue: what doses and what do you get to have your pH up? I have no clue what mine would be but I feel mostly alright

Half a teaspoon in water..twice a day..:tonic:..we recommend you do it 4-7 days..then give yourself a couple of days off..see if all your Old symptoms come rushing back...:headbang:
Good luck with the Cheese.

I see you take the trouble to remove the seeds from the shipping packages and store them in the old pen trick. Now that it is out, I will have to empty all my pens.:baked:sh

Are we showing bush today.
here is the White Train after a couple days of final swell.


thanx felix , nice grow dude! ,
after some reading up on strain i think the express autos got some blueberry in with it also, or afghan, ide say by picture listed it looks a blue cheese maybe

Good luck with the Cheese.

I see you take the trouble to remove the seeds from the shipping packages and store them in the old pen trick. Now that it is out, I will have to empty all my pens.:baked:sh

Are we showing bush today.
here is the White Train after a couple days of final swell.

Twanged a tendon in my right wrist this morning, it still hurts. I can't lift a glass with it. Had a soak in a hot bath but it hasn't helped. Of course, I thought nothing of it and went off to do the shopping, so I've been lifting heavy bags around etc. We've got some canna ointment that I got for hubby but he isn't using, and I've put some of that on it, but... sad wrist. Luckily I'm left handed so I can still type.
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