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Wonderful! I'm looking for CBD for my autisic grandson, but we have no trust right now........... testing CDB oil would be of great benefit to many!

That is why we have a Test Team @pop22 we can Believe them...and spend our pennies on the stuff that Does Work.

I'm Talking to the Auto Warriors now about trying to get a couple of Oil co's to come Talk to us in the New Year.
@Spanglish has given us a list of ones he we'll Work on it.

It is something I'm Interested in myself...:headbang:

Afternoon Eyes..:bighug:
@Mossy it hits like a train ... but a warn fussy friendly train..

here is a mic from my usb microscope ::


i'm to stoned to get it in proper focus :pass: passing the jay
NO other forum is evolving like AFN is!

Member Power...:d5:..if we can't Trust the Info/Reviews out there..We Do it Ourselves...:d5:

I Know I can Trust you to tell the know you can Trust me..:d5:..who Better to Test and pass a Valid Opinion.

[HASHTAG]#Cannazone[/HASHTAG] Test Team :headbang:
Lenovo bought up IBM's Thinkpad line many years ago, and promised to maintain the quality of the product, and they have done so! As a pc tech, they are the only brand I'll buy!

Good choice Mossy I have a Lenova and love it . :thumbsup:
hey whats happening at Mossy?! working hard eh?

Yeah..and Black Friday brain dead Eyes..:d5:..1 sale starts to look like another after a few days of Watching..

@Mossy it hits like a train ... but a warn fussy friendly train..

here is a mic from my usb microscope ::

View attachment 663472

i'm to stoned to get it in proper focus :pass: passing the jay

You cannot get focus on a full area without a slide....:thumbsup:..because there is just to much to Look at...but they look delish anyway...:d5:..
omg.........I haven't had that in 35 years! I'm drooling.............


I just took a quick bike ride to Christiania.. my weekend is secured ::

View attachment 663471

8g of pure maroccan goodness.. so sticky it has taken me 15min to mix for a joint ..
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