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not an oil but an extraction.a bit time consuming though.
for 1,600 i get some chicks handpicking the trichomes dude :crying: i once tried the t-rex rosin press and it was a failure itself...i would rather go with a teaming iron then :haha:

so not 2 down with the rosin- i want some untreated liquid oil like the one i scratch of the walls of my vape:toke:
Hair straightener= 20 to 30 bucks.
sunrise/sunset for next week or so are same, lol, why am I laughing? Not totally dark Eye, that's for further North, at he solstice there will be 4-5 hrs of use able outdoor light, like dusk/dawn. A very introspective time of year, doing mostly what's neccessary for survival, then she tops the ridge and hope is born a new
Idk why you're laughing! I'm laughing at you laughing though :coffee:
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