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I can just about remember a ski trip to Austria(4th year secondary school...a long time ago!). I enjoyed that snow, it was a funny holiday! :smoking:
Austria I hope to see the ALPS one day we snowmobile a lot in most parts of Canada we have a intricate trail system and is groomed smoother then most roads and is hooked up from province to province It is a way to see the real Canada. I can hop on a snowmobile and go from Ontario right through Quebec and all the way to New Brunswick I love winter
I run an arctic z370, long tracked it, UFO in carb, 21 miles/gal unloaded, 16 hauling, low gears pull real good, light and easy to bust trail, all day if necessary, stays up,
That is what you need that far north something to get the job done a workhosre 370 is air cooled so it runs great in really cold conditions and when she starts to warm up. I am a ski doo guy Bombardier both are North American built though all the way. I have 2010 1200 four stroke she is pushing 167 hp at 560 lbs wet weight she will bust a hundred mile a hour in seconds. I average 3500 to 4000 miles a season I live to ride. LOL and smoke big bowl loads of amazing BUD
Instagram when did they get so picky that is pure B.S.

That the thing they are not being picky as plenty of other canna posters don't have any problems at all, smells more of dirty play by trolls or competition, as the report and abuse system is not humanly manned and it bot operated, so to many abuse reports and sayonara would not to hard to automated a software to trigger large amounts of complaint from unique IPs and some of the 1000000s of stolen and fake accounts out there for sale on the Dark Interwebs.
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so I ran out of bud so I pillaged my emergency stash and found a nug of green crack from my first grow ever! it has been curing for 496 days that's well over a year that's crazy about to smoke a bowl and chill

View attachment 659530

That is awesome!
I ran out of bud too, so now I'm smokin leaves from my last crti+2.0 run... Better than pipe resin, but still... ick.
Fuck knows what most of these are a combination o 3 days sleeping after 3am, large bowls of Triangle Kush trim and big pharmas pain meds for a apparent muscle pain in my neCK from a endoscopy 3 days ago

But a enjoy if you can a swirled mess of wasted YouTube viewing lol

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@Powerful14 - sound like an awesome trip to north bay! Shrooms and herb in a giant hut and eating fresh pickerel! Excellent! My buddy has an insulated snowmobile cargo trailer(stealth) with a propane furnace in it...we have travelled all around ice fishing. 2 years ago he bought a cabin up by Wawa so we go up there to icefish for a week.(pickerel, pike, whitefish, lake trout, brook trout, splake, herring, perch) Good times! Love icefishing!

@Rebel I think @trailanimal should supply a nice winter mountain pic for the badge. Have a great day off man! Yeah 55N+ should still be considered Xtreme North! 900KM north of me is hardcore growing country!
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