Whats up AFN, hi
My body finally said ENOUGH, you WILL sleeeeeep. Hahaha stupid biomechanics n junk so I took a big ole nappa today and now I feel refreshed! The babies are happy and healthy although I did see another that has dampined-off. I am re learning this whole soil thingy magjig and forgot that cold wet soil does not help with the damping-off. Does anyone know if the baby can come back from the pathogen attack? I have literally NEVER had this problem not one time ever so I am kinda in the dark. I just cant recall if the fungal attack can be arrested after it has started or if the root cells can recover, because it is not al the way brown and mushy, it is like it started to attack then stopped suddenly. I know Eye told me that cinnamon helps, so I may try that when I plant again. I am wondering if there is anything that can be done for post emergence damping off though. Anyone have any thoughts?