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Afternoon AFN!!
Should I be worrying about how cold it gets in my room it usually doesn't get 64 usually only like 68 or 69 but for got to shut my cracked window, is it better to let it get up to like 85 tops then to let it get below 70? I try keeping it 73-75 all the way around with lights off and everything.? Iv been wondering this. I just moved to Cali from Illinois so I'm use to be able to keep a house from getting to cold or to hot usually but here's its tricky, especially in the winter where it gets warmer during the day then drops a good amount once the sounds gone. Could use some thoughts, I know cold stunts and I'm wondering if that's my reason my Mazar isn't taking off 2 much, then again it's only been a month above soil. I just wonder if people feel the same about heat as cold or is it better to have some heat then to let it get as cold as it does?.
Thanks in advance guys!

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