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Yeah you should be able to. One thing I'd suggest (you're doing it on the stove, right?) get a little pyrex bowl and put your oil in that, then float that in enough water so the bottom of the bowl isn't touching the bottom of the pot. Acts as a double boiler and far less likely to burn/scorch your stuff. I prefer the crock pot myself but less temp control there. There are some guys that "thermal" cycle their oils and claim it gets stronger every time. Letting the oil cool, then warming it again for a few hours. Experiment experiment lol.
Alright, thanks bud. My crock pot stays between 160-170 I'm just gonna add some soy lecithin and more bud and perhaps a little more oil as well. I took 3 capsules so far today and I don't really feel a damn thing. I wanna be able to take 1 or 2 pills for the desired effect you know!

Thanks hobbes
Awesome pic!! Were you able to pick out any constellations?

i can when i just use my eyes because of the light pollution you can only see the constellations,but with the camera it picks up more light so there are tons of stars so i have no idea whats where hahaha
weather report: first big winter storm beginning to bear down. Cranking up for 12"+ of snow and 55 mph winds, temp zero f, wind chill off the chart. Gonna be an exciting day. Pic is probably very representative of conditions, but it won't be light for another 3 hrs.View attachment 679453
The sky is amazing!!
Hiiii @trailanimal !
Gooood morning AFN!!!!!

Seems that with the momentum cannabis legalization is getting the powers that be can really start to focus on the real evils of the world....


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