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Easy, my pleasure!:d5:

I thought the tattoos maybe...apocalpitc yeah, a bit fitting :biggrin:

Yes I agree with ya both... Medieval, Shakespeare, all that Eye mentioned...

But the whole gangland deal and misuse yeah... Kinda overkill lol

I was trying to find a font that was conducive to the smoke/tribe theme without the Tribal Font... I don't like that either lol no OE no Tribal...

It can be tricky. I still fight with my loupe. I'm a big fan of nipping off a little test bud, doing a fast dry, and seeing if I like the effects. If it's my own smoke, I almost always chop early for more of a head high. If it's for meds, I let them go long.

Me too!
There are quite a few... I take a small nugget that looks representative of the most mature bud, pop it in the oven at 175f . It doesn't take long, but it varies from flower to flower. I check every 10 minutes, when it feels smokeable it's into the pipe. :smoking:
It won't be smooth, but will give you the effect and a hint of the taste to come.
Now I have something to do!

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