Crazy shit last night! I was staying at my friends house and we were smoking down, haven't been that high since high school or something, well you know, few a far between. My buddy calls me to a back room says the police are every where. There is a cop sitting right besides his house in the patrol car. We are watching the whole neighborhood, he kinda lives on top of a hill so you can see a lot.
Anyways, cop sitting beside the house... see a few cops around the neighborhood. Keep wondering why there is a cop sitting on the road for thirty mins or so. So eventually the cop puts his car in reverse, backs up just a little bit then stops. Then we are like wtf cause we couldn't see him anymore, no windows directly on the side of my friends house. We are watching outside the window and my buddy sees a car coming... he said oh it's just the neighbor. As soon as the neighbor pulls in the driveway the police rushed his car with pistols out before he could even get out. They were laid up in the neighbors yard waiting for dude to come home,as soon as he hit the driveway seen en haulin ass up towards his car...
When I say laid up, I mean laid up in the woods/ditch/grass. Seen em all cause the cop besides my buddies out took off with his headlights on towards the house and you could just see em
Crazy shit.