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Good just working all the time right now. But im off tom so its fine dining date night with Ms.Train.... gotta keep her happy when i can... or try at least lol
Oh, I'm sure she's happy. She has a good man who cares by her side! [emoji106]

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How are things going on your first run bud
Not terrible using coco and had some PH issues but I think it is under control. I think I remember in one or your threads you use advanced nutrients. Does the PH perfect work as well as they claim?
Cool! Any photos to show off your grow?

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Most recent picture they are at 21 days here I think my PH issue stunted them some.
Not terrible using coco and had some PH issues but I think it is under control. I think I remember in one or your threads you use advanced nutrients. Does the PH perfect work as well as they claim?

I use AN in dwc. I haven't checked pH in over a year. There is a learning curve to match it to your style, and your plants needs, but once dialed in it works well. Check the link in my signature.
Not terrible using coco and had some PH issues but I think it is under control. I think I remember in one or your threads you use advanced nutrients. Does the PH perfect work as well as they claim?
Yep it sure does. But using coco i found it benifits greatly to use ro water. Its certainly not a requirement but if helps when combatimg thos ph swings you spoke of.

When i use the AN line in promix it works perfectly. But i use bubbled tap water ... when i mix my hutes with the ph perfect line it drops ph to 6.1 or 6.2. The more desired range of 5.8 for coco needs help getting there with tap but in RO it goes straight to 5.8

Rifleman runs dwc and advanced
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