Indoor archie gemmill's trophy cabinet

Just spent awhile looking through some of your fine fine work Archie :drool: Love the fact that you just started the Northern Cheese Haze, I will be keeping an eye on that as it is something I have been looking at.
cheers peeps :pass:
nch day 4
nch day 4.JPG

its only 4
nch day 4 b.JPG

trident special day 39
trident special day 39.JPG

mbap day 67
mbap day 67.JPG

i clean forgot to water them yesterday.a few yellow/dirty bottom leaves on them,maybe a touch of calmag will up it 1ml.
i havnt done an update lately that was lacking in pics/content and high in fibre.
some say i have no sense but thats not right its a poor sense of taste and smells.but anyway 'white ash' is what i wanted to talk about.people bang on about white ash means its flushed bla bla.i have flushed and not flushed,couldnt smell taste the difference all smooth on the throat etc.white ash ? never really took much notice really,maybe i flick too often.but hang on a minute ciggarette ash is white as can be and how many chemicals is in that ?
i did a dutch or a backwoods ? the other night,i looked at it and thought hmm very white maybe its the paper ? or lack of paper ? or what chemicals is in the paper not the contents of the joint ?
maybe its just random ?
i should have done a video,maybe have another bash at it.
keep er lit.
i havnt done an update lately that was lacking in pics/content and high in fibre.
some say i have no sense but thats not right its a poor sense of taste and smells.but anyway 'white ash' is what i wanted to talk about.people bang on about white ash means its flushed bla bla.i have flushed and not flushed,couldnt smell taste the difference all smooth on the throat etc.white ash ? never really took much notice really,maybe i flick too often.but hang on a minute ciggarette ash is white as can be and how many chemicals is in that ?
i did a dutch or a backwoods ? the other night,i looked at it and thought hmm very white maybe its the paper ? or lack of paper ? or what chemicals is in the paper not the contents of the joint ?
maybe its just random ?
i should have done a video,maybe have another bash at it.
keep er lit.
The white ash is mainly has do do with the fact there's no carbon left in the plant that the plant wasn't given an over abundance of nitrogen an other minerals have you ever smoked a bong hit that wouldn't suck down an stayed black an wouldn't break down that my friend is a plant that is full of carbon it even looks like charcoal when burned .