Outdoor Archaic 2018 Outdoor - Serving as a warning to others for nearly 50 years


Flushing is a myth!
Oct 21, 2017
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Currently Smoking
a corncob pipe
Well AFN, I've decided to put my stuff on the interwebz for your amusement and to provide some future prosecuting attorney with ammunition. After lurking the canna-web for years and not ever posting pics, you guys have finally gotten the best of me and will get to see how an old hill billy guerrilla grows.

Currently I have five plants hidden away in the woods, 2 boys and 3 girls. Here is a picture of them in the nursery getting ready to go out into the big scary world:


There are 3 Onyx by Short Stuff and 2 Alien v Triangle by Mephisto. They were popped on March 30-31.

Thats a Bubbly Liver to the left and a Bluetoof to the right, it was chopping day for both of them. The baby spent 16 days indoors. They all got fimmed on day 14, all were showing sex by then as well. Two of the Onyx were males. The Onyx girl was a little behind and did not get her hair cut. I meant to take pics the day I planted them in their new home, but the mosquitos ran me off. More to come below.
So, here they are today:

AVT girl: Not my best fimming job ever, lol

Onyx girl that didnt get Fimmed but did get stepped on while planting, apparently she recovered OK:


And, finally a hot sexytime 3-some with an AVT gal sandwiched between two very happy Onyx boys:


The 3-some is planted several hundred feet down wind from the two single ladies. I'm a little embarrassed by the visible perlite, I'll need to camouflage that next time I go out.

So, heres a little WV hillbilly trick I learned from my dad. Many old timey growers talk about digging a huge ass hole for each plant in the woods. Folks, Archaic aint digging 3'x3' holes unless its a grave and I ain't hauling 5 yards of super soil into the woods. To get the same effect, use post hole diggers and drop a 6" hole 3 feet deep. Fill that with a nice quality compost mix and let the roots follow it down. A lot less work and pretty much just as effective.

My soil mix:

5 gallons of compost, I use the free stuff from the city
1 brick of coco
about 2 quarts of perlite, its impossible to measure that shit - it defies gravity
1 cup kelp meal
1 cup 4-4-4 organic fertilizer (*see sad story below)
1 cup of water crystals (it gets hot here in tejas)
1 cup of azomite
1 packet of myco fungus spores

Thats it - although I generally will feed them when I visit - I only get out there every couple of weeks at best. If the rains been decent I may go even less often. Obviously I'll probably only be updating every 2-3 weeks as well.

*I once used an organic fertilizer that contained blood meal, fish meal, bone meal, etc on a couple of Power Africa at this same location. It must have smell like a buffet because the raccoons dug that shit up within 3 days. :(
A week later, something has been nibbling on the AVT in the 3-some:


A close up of the nibbles, guess its time to mix up a batch of neem oil, dawn, and habanero spray:


The Onyx girl, still a little behind but showing some sativa:


And the celibate AVT:


I also did a little bit of camo improvement. I've got some new sprouts in the cabinet waiting to be old enough to go outside for the Outdoor Grow Competition. I'll add them soon.
A week later, something has been nibbling on the AVT in the 3-some:


A close up of the nibbles, guess its time to mix up a batch of neem oil, dawn, and habanero spray:


The Onyx girl, still a little behind but showing some sativa:


And the celibate AVT:


I also did a little bit of camo improvement. I've got some new sprouts in the cabinet waiting to be old enough to go outside for the Outdoor Grow Competition. I'll add them soon.
Nice looking man[emoji41]

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Well, they are all dying. I'm afraid it might be a fungus. All of my tomatoes and peppers at home in the same compost I got from the city are also dying.
KIMG3557.jpg KIMG3556.jpg KIMG3560.jpg
It's been hot, I watered them with a little cal-mag, but I expect they'll be cashed out next week. Bummer.