New Grower Mephisto Genetics Blue Cush and Blue Toof (Special Pheno)

cheers for starting a journal :thumbsup: a handfull of soil round the base of the seedling can work wonders for a gangly one :smokeit:
Here are a few questions I have:
1. How big should I let the taproots get before I plant them? hmm1-3cm
2. What should I aim to keep my soil temperature at? roughly the same as the tent 23-27 ish,not less than 17 or more than 30.
3. I believe I should keep my LEDs 30 inches from my babies. Is this right? for seedlings why not just use 1 light ? distance is different for everybody,theres a certain amount of playing about/tweeking.keep posting we will keep you between the hedges :greenthumb:
4. Can you give me any advice for the coming days and coming weeks, in that order? 1) k.i.s.s keep it stupid simple 2) less is more 3) the less you do,the less can go wrong
4) good luck n keep er lit.

Thanks for all the advice! I think I will start with just one light and use soil if I find stretching. I checked on my germinating seeds and one of each has opened up and begun sprouting a taproot. Hopefully the other 2 do the same soon!

I forgot to get my runoff before bed last night, but the soil was not sitting in the water. This did get the RH to upwards of 90% (yes it was like it rained in there) overnight. After removing runoff and more sanitizing the RH dropped to 70% and will probably get lower! I might do the plastic cup method... I just want my babies to have a great start.

So... when I go to bury them, I should go 1cm deep, cover with a cup, and use just 1 light. Anything else to improve my chances?
Thanks for all the advice! I think I will start with just one light and use soil if I find stretching. I checked on my germinating seeds and one of each has opened up and begun sprouting a taproot. Hopefully the other 2 do the same soon!

I forgot to get my runoff before bed last night, but the soil was not sitting in the water. This did get the RH to upwards of 90% (yes it was like it rained in there) overnight. After removing runoff and more sanitizing the RH dropped to 70% and will probably get lower! I might do the plastic cup method... I just want my babies to have a great start.

So... when I go to bury them, I should go 1cm deep, cover with a cup, and use just 1 light. Anything else to improve my chances?

I go 1/2 inch deep which is a tad longer then 1cm but that should work, my baby seedlings get 1 light on birth and if they are doing well get 2 lights by day 3.... I lightly water and water around the pot encouraging the roots to search for water.

47 hours after starting germination one of each have activated and the blue cush looks a little stronger than the toof. I took the unactivated ones and put them in some water along with 2 more blue toof seeds as I do not have any more blue cush. If I germinate too many I will just have to grow the extra in smaller pots!
Can never go wrong with mephisto gear mate. You've picked well for your first grow. The guys have covered everything I was gonna say so should work out well for you. I also prefer starting under a cfl to avoid stretch. Got a big bulb 130w reflector and it's great for the first 2 weeks. Can fit upto about 20 under it and only cost 30 quid. Can shave 2 weeks off grow times with a seperate seedling light too.
When I expand my little setup this coming year I will make sure to get more light options to help the young ones along.

Excited today because two seedlings went below the ground, about 1 finger nail length down. The seeds I had in water went into paper towel this morning and it looked like I got one more activated... hopefully I can get just one more to open up so I can fill all of my pots.
When I expand my little setup this coming year I will make sure to get more light options to help the young ones along.

Excited today because two seedlings went below the ground, about 1 finger nail length down. The seeds I had in water went into paper towel this morning and it looked like I got one more activated... hopefully I can get just one more to open up so I can fill all of my pots.
Much easier to start in root riots mate. Little sponge things that are 24 for £5.
No soaking in water or previous germination. Just put the seed in and they pop every time. I've had 1 fail out of about 70ish. Brilliant wee things.
Much easier to start in root riots mate. Little sponge things that are 24 for £5.
No soaking in water or previous germination. Just put the seed in and they pop every time. I've had 1 fail out of about 70ish. Brilliant wee things.
I have considered these types, but did decide to try to keep it a little more simple and just grow from start to finish in the same pot. I have heard that when you transplant the cube into your final pot it can put some stress on the plants. Is this true? My thought process behind it is that even if the plants recover after a day from the stress, I'm losing a day of growth that could mean a bit at harvest. I may just be shooting myself in the foot, though.

Update today: 24 hours after planting and no sprouts yet, but I didn't expect them yet. Also, it looks like the Blue Cush that I all but gave up on just opened up! Another day or so and it should be ready to go into the dirt. I also had some major temp fluctuations that I think I have under control now. It got all the way down to 64F (18C) for a fraction of an hour, and all the way up to 92F (33.3C) at another point. I hope I didn't just ruin a couple more plants by not having this down. I think I have it set up right to keep temps at 80F (27C) give or take 1 or 2 degrees 24/7. RH is staying around with lights on and 75% with lights off.

Should I be doing anything else right now to improve my chances? @archie gemmill @LittleMT
Its just a waiting game. I tend to plant seed in pots on saturday,9/10 they show up monday,if not 2-3 days is average.
Its the boring bit :pighug:
There's no stress from transplanting cubes mate. Just if your using pots you gotta be careful. Cos of my nft system I have to double transplant using cubes so I'm just used to it and do it in pots too .
You see loads of people stunting them with rock wools but it's because they're daft people that don't clean them first.
Root riots don't need cleaned though. They come prewetted and ready to go.

As archie pointed out there the easiest way is just to put the seed in the pot. Can't get any easier than that. Just a lot of us prefer to root them up a bit first.
It slows them down for a few days but you get faster growth down the line from the overdeveloped root mass. I can't prove it and it's one of these things that we'll never all agree on, like flushing, topping or anything else. There's ups and downs to every method. Just have a play about the first few runs and find out what works best for you. Been at this 2 years and still not settled on my methods.