New Grower apollo 4 to overpowering for seedlings ?

Apr 25, 2014
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howdy all its been a while so heres my problem i started my seedlings off paper towel method really works a treat planted them in fluffy soil under my apollo 4 which is at a height of 76cm 30 inches the first 2 days they shot out of their shell never seen nothing like it the pots are rapped up in cling film which i left for a week and now just nothing i took the cling film off and the seedling started to shrivel so ive now put it back on what im wondering is is the light just too powerful has anyone experienced a similar kind of thing i have heard a few echos about leds my pots were drenched in 6.5 phd water which i left for 24 hrs before planting with the room temperature at around 26 degrees is the apollo 4 just too overpowering for the first couple of weeks ? strains are jack herrer and ak both auto hope i havent missed anything thanks for any input :peace:
The Apollo 4 is not too much lamp . I'd remove the cling wrap. How tall are the plants ? Some seeds come on like gang busters and then settle down . Do you have a photo of the plants as they are now ?
howdy bear im not puttting photos on for personal reasons there around 5 cm tall with doyle leaves two other leaves and very small set of third leaves in the middle not very big but there only a week old i know root growth takes place now i did take the cling wrap off left them for about 6 hours checked and what did i find they were shriveling up kinda like getting smaller buddy and after just 6 hrs of sitting in the same enviroment but without the cling film which leaves me to think it might be a light problem so this i why i wrapped them back up the appolo 4 is straight from the factory i havent tuned the modules nor changed them what do you think my next step should be buddy im quite happy to unwrap them but i dont want to kill them nor stunt them thanks for your very much appreciated :Sharing One:
If they dry up as you say when taking off the wrap, could be your humidy, the purpose of a wrap on seedlings when they're about to sprout is to keep it nice and warm and humid. But at later stages the wrap can kill it as it can stop the plant from breathing or get too hot
hey weko well this a little problem too i do have to heat ny room with an electirc heater due to the cold temps my humidity is around 45% which i do know is not ideal id rather bet hitting 75% im looking for a solution at the moment im just getting along with spray bottles which ups it to around 60% but i cant spend my day doing that lol as for the cling film i pierce holes progressivly to up the air flow my seedlings are sitting in around 75% enviroment which i have a checked with my hydrometer obviously under the cling film im looking into some home made solutions any suggestions would be great thank you for input :pighug:
hey peeps
so heres the latest my seedling looks like its dying the cotedoyles have started turning yellow on the tips and the plant just seems to have got smaller i think im certaimly gonna lose it ive took the cling film off see how it does but its not looking very promising ive also added a few tubs of water keep the humidity up im just left thinking it can only be my ligt what is doing this any help would be great for next time otherwise ive been thinking cfls to start with lets say for the first 3 weeks whats your opions thanks for all your help :devil:
Bummer Hazy Maybe just a little bad luck . I germinated lots of seeds and had very weird things happen to seedlings . Put it aside germ another bean and keep your fingers crossed .:goodluck:
hey bear indeed !!! ive just stumbled across an article about leds been way to overpowering for seedlings pretty interesting to be fair and that it would be better to start them off for the first couple of weeks under t5s 6500k obviously i undertstand everybody has their own technique and opions but im gonna give this a try i will you keep you updated on how it works for me probably be in a 1 months time or so but i will update about how it goes down
Mine turn yellow when I keep a humidity on the seedlimgs for too long , if you are concerned about your light being to powerful raise it to be higher
I cannot see how a apollo4 would be too powerfull for your seedling when people use 600-900w leds for entire grows. my good friend Hans uses a apollo6 with no problems at all. There is someting wrong but i can promise you its not your light bro.:Sharing One:also with leds you dont want HR over 60% your killing the life of your led. i know what it says for seedling stage but autos can handle low HR more than other strains if your HR is at 45% that is perfect bro no need to stress about getting it any higher