howdy all its been a while so heres my problem i started my seedlings off paper towel method really works a treat planted them in fluffy soil under my apollo 4 which is at a height of 76cm 30 inches the first 2 days they shot out of their shell never seen nothing like it the pots are rapped up in cling film which i left for a week and now just nothing i took the cling film off and the seedling started to shrivel so ive now put it back on what im wondering is is the light just too powerful has anyone experienced a similar kind of thing i have heard a few echos about leds my pots were drenched in 6.5 phd water which i left for 24 hrs before planting with the room temperature at around 26 degrees is the apollo 4 just too overpowering for the first couple of weeks ? strains are jack herrer and ak both auto hope i havent missed anything thanks for any input