Nutrients Anyone Used Winter Frost by New Millennium?

A) The name sounds like a 90s boy band.

B) The marketing seems bunk. I find it hard to believe you can trick a plant into thinking "winter is coming" based on nutes alone (vs. temp / lighting triggers), compared to a normal "you're just getting old and dying" feed schedule.

C) It looks to be a standard "no nitrogen / P and K only" bloom formulation, and it's used in their feed schedule with other P-K only products for the last week. Nitrogen is used in chlorophyll production, and coloring is typically achieved through a reduction in chlorophyll to enhance a strain's natural pigments.

D) The pigments are classified as flavonoids, which are produced in trichomes along with terpenes and cannabinoids. Flavonoids can have some therapeutic effects themselves, but are typically such a low percentage that they're ignored.

E) Any strain will have natural colors that can be enhanced based on its genetics. Typical "very purple" strains tend to be lower in THC, but they are popular for bag appeal, as you mentioned.

So, yes - technically, you are affecting bud quality somewhat, but not really increasing potency / THCA (which is the quality most are concerned with). And, you could probably achieve the same effects with any standard feed regimen that cuts nitrogen earlier. I would save your money and just follow whatever typical low nitrogen bloom schedule that you normally would.
A) The name sounds like a 90s boy band.

B) The marketing seems bunk. I find it hard to believe you can trick a plant into thinking "winter is coming" based on nutes alone (vs. temp / lighting triggers), compared to a normal "you're just getting old and dying" feed schedule.

C) It looks to be a standard "no nitrogen / P and K only" bloom formulation, and it's used in their feed schedule with other P-K only products for the last week. Nitrogen is used in chlorophyll production, and coloring is typically achieved through a reduction in chlorophyll to enhance a strain's natural pigments.

D) The pigments are classified as flavonoids, which are produced in trichomes along with terpenes and cannabinoids. Flavonoids can have some therapeutic effects themselves, but are typically such a low percentage that they're ignored.

E) Any strain will have natural colors that can be enhanced based on its genetics. Typical "very purple" strains tend to be lower in THC, but they are popular for bag appeal, as you mentioned.

So, yes - technically, you are affecting bud quality somewhat, but not really increasing potency / THCA (which is the quality most are concerned with). And, you could probably achieve the same effects with any standard feed regimen that cuts nitrogen earlier. I would save your money and just follow whatever typical low nitrogen bloom schedule that you normally would.

Boy band, that's hilarious!!! What I was actually most interested in was the fact that it supposedly makes plants finish at the same time. I neglected to mention that part in the post. Long long day yesterday!!! It seems like it could come in handy if the plants were a couple days apart to be able to chop all at the same time if necessary. Or if you had to hurry the plants if other responsibilities take precedent etc...I guess the concept(or part of it) is called senescence. Was looking up ascorbic acid(vitamin C) to counteract the chloramine in the tap water and stumbled on the concept. Then remembered reading about winter frost...Wont be buying it, but was interested in seeing what effect, or lack thereof, people experienced with it...

Thanks for the reply as always! Also love your pic. Thought it was Chuck Woolery at first
A plant can't be rushed to finish it will finish when it's clock saysbits done. I dont believe in any company that sells stuff like that to me it's all a gimmick to take advantage of new growers. Growing takes patience
A plant can't be rushed to finish it will finish when it's clock saysbits done. I dont believe in any company that sells stuff like that to me it's all a gimmick to take advantage of new growers. Growing takes patience

Thanks for the reply Nizmo! Definitely a lot snake oil and BRO science out there. It's a little overwhelming and frustrating how much bullshit I have already waded through in a short amount of time!
Like I stated in reply to KDAWG, I won't be buying this product, but found the concept interesting. Introduction of hormones for various effects is commonly used in agriculture so it makes sense someone could have isolated compounds to create such an effect(s). From what little I have read ethylenes and other hormones have a big effect on senescence. So, it would seem it is possible. Will look into the concept, not the product, a little more if and when I find some time. Thanks again!