Extraction Anyone try this from magical butter?

My lift is the best gadget I have. So worth every cent spent!

Hey, question for you @Mcdee, when you decarb with your lift, is any moisture created?

...I'd pass a joint, but covid and all, y'know? Here's your own .... need a light?
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Hey, question for you @Mcdee, when you decarb with your lift, is any moisture created?

...I'd pass a joint, but covid and all, y'know? Here's your own .... need a light?
Yes, very little at the top. Makes sense since it's smell proof. If smell cant get out the moisture cant either. Just a little condensation on inside of the lid but is some. I'll take a hit of your virtual joint hahaha.
Yes, very little at the top. Makes sense since it's smell proof. If smell cant get out the moisture cant either. Just a little condensation on inside of the lid but is some. I'll take a hit of your virtual joint hahaha.
She came today can’t wait to mess around with it. Gonna try infusing some oils and such maybe make a lotion. Endless possibilities now. Can do bud I got the silicon sleeve for rosin so I’m good for a while and I have plenty to play with.
Yes, very little at the top. Makes sense since it's smell proof. If smell cant get out the moisture cant either. Just a little condensation on inside of the lid but is some. I'll take a hit of your virtual joint hahaha.
That helps to explain it, and it's kind of a relief. Sous vide is a water bath, and the bags are vacuumed so the moisture has nowhere to go. Each time the weed goes in dry and comes out damp, I wondered if it was the bags or if decarbing itself creates moisture.

Next time I will do an experiment: In a sous vide, decarb in a mason jar and at the same time a sealed bag with just plain paper in it. Whichever one comes out damp gives me the answer.
That helps to explain it, and it's kind of a relief. Sous vide is a water bath, and the bags are vacuumed so the moisture has nowhere to go. Each time the weed goes in dry and comes out damp, I wondered if it was the bags or if decarbing itself creates moisture.

Next time I will do an experiment: In a sous vide, decarb in a mason jar and at the same time a sealed bag with just plain paper in it. Whichever one comes out damp gives me the answer.
Just depends on your starting material. If its dry going in wont be as much or maybe none??? Just a mini sealed oven so whatever moisture in buds will evaporate. I wish it had a manual timer/temperature setting so I could decarb without loss of terps. Although I do like how idiot proof it is, if we could adjust it folks would do it wrong and blame the machine lol.
She came today can’t wait to mess around with it. Gonna try infusing some oils and such maybe make a lotion. Endless possibilities now. Can do bud I got the silicon sleeve for rosin so I’m good for a while and I have plenty to play with.
Hands down its best ability is decarboxylation, it can infuse but I find my mbm2 infuses much better. Where the infusion comes in handy is if you only want a small batch. The mbm2 needs min of 2 cups, so nice to do single batches if dont have enough bud. I like it holds more too!