Extraction Anyone try this from magical butter?

Ok, so I got this Monday and used on Tuesday. I put my bud in and put in with thermometer in it. I heated until the internal temp was 250, then I started the 30 min timer. Oven is off a little bit so heated until temp then turned down until temp got close to going below 250. Just keeped going back and forth for the 30 mins. Not sure if that is what was intended but thats what i thought the idea was to keep temp as close to 250 for 30 mins. Had to put oven to 260 but then would get to hot so had to lower. Kinda a pain just cause it took awhile to hit 250 inside and I stared late so was running out of time. Next time I can plan for extra time and I know to set to 260 to start so should be faster next time. Not sure how decarb went because haven't tried it yet but may tomorrow. I will be back with a update soon. Never thought about how long it takes for inside to hit 250, makes me wonder if I have ever made butter with max decarbed bud.
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I've got the Magical Butter decarb box and it has worked fine for me with an Infusium 420 STX machine. I've made cannaoil with olive oil and coconut oil. Made brownies that were killer but lately I just put some infused coconut oil in a cup of Swiss Miss hot cocoa and anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes and it kicks in. Much more effective than smoking.

I made one batch with just sugar leave trim and it was just as strong as buds.
I almost bought one, and thought of a Nova, too. Beyond my budget, though.

I read about using sous vide here, and gave it a go. Glad I did! I can decarb and infuse in the same bag or jar and only cost about a hundred bucks. Now I can start saving for an ethyl still.
I have one also it worked fine for me used it for the 1st time this weekend
I prefer to decarb after extraction. I process butter and oils in a Jar in a hot oil bath. I like the flavor better this way.
I use ardent, had it since earlier this year. I now mostly make bills from the buds. About 20g of flower will make 100 pills (number one capsule). I like this since I don't need to smoke, and who knows who would find my chocolate edibles and eat them :)
I've been thinking of buying this for awhile along with a butter machine but my scottish/german ancestry talks me out of it, thinking i need.

A Scotsman, an Englishman and an Australian were in a bar and had just started on a new round of drinks when a fly landed in each glass of beer. The Englishman took his out on the blade of his Swiss Army knife. The Australian blew his away in a cloud of froth. The Scotsman lifted his one up carefully by the wings and held it above his glass. "Go on, spit it oot, ye wee devil" he growled.
I wouldnt recommend if you can get your hands on a lift by ardent. I have 1 and I give it to ya if i could, nowhere near as good as a lift!
I wouldnt recommend if you can get your hands on a lift by ardent. I have 1 and I give it to ya if i could, nowhere near as good as a lift!
Ya I googled Ardent Lift/Nova , seems everyone likes this one because I can't find stock anywhere in canada. trying to order from canada so i don't have to clear any borders, that said i have no need for it till after sept. and i have got stuff from US in 2-3 weeks in mail, just slow.
Ya I googled Ardent Lift/Nova , seems everyone likes this one because I can't find stock anywhere in canada. trying to order from canada so i don't have to clear any borders, that said i have no need for it till after sept. and i have got stuff from US in 2-3 weeks in mail, just slow.
Cool, bud I cant recommend the lift more if you do edibles get 1. I have many cannabis gadgets and it by far is my favorite! If you have ever lost bud to not decarb properly this is for you. Perfect decarb everytime! No smell till opened 1 button and done. Just dont over fill. They have a new 1 the decarbs, infuses, and now you can even bake in it. Holds up to 4oz's. I would get the big 1 if I needed to get 1 or was getting another. I have no affiliation just 1 very happy client! Stay lifted.